
Why is the UPI medical registration closed, after normal hours? This is the explanation of the vice chancellor

TIME.CO, Jakarta – University of Indonesian Education or UPI extension Bandung has opened the registration for the admission of new students to undergraduate medical study programs from August 10 to 16, 2023. The opening was carried out after receiving a letter from the management of the Association of Independent Accreditation Institutions of Bandung Higher Health Education or LAM-PTKes Association.

“It’s a bit tight because we received a letter from LAM-PTKes, dated August 3, but we only received it on August 8,” Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Didi Sukyadi said on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. .

However, she is optimistic that the registration will be fine. “This is case in nature because this medical study program just opened,” Didi said. According to him, similar cases occurred not only at UPI but also at other universities that had just received permission to open medical study programs. The opening of enrollments for UPI medical students is part of the Independent Selection process.

Then the question of tuition fees, single tuition fees and postgraduate fees for future UPI medical students is still awaiting a Rectoral Decree which will be issued shortly.

According to Didi, the quota or capacity for students in the medical degree program is 50 people. However, there are no rations for Smart Indonesia Card or College KIP because quotas have been exhausted for students of regular SNBP, SNBT and Independent Examinations.

Upon registration, UPI will take a written exam which is scheduled for August 18-August 20, 2023. Selection results are expected to be announced on August 22, 2023.

Earlier this past May, UPI officially established the School of Medicine. After issuing the Executive Order of the Association of Independent Accreditation Institutions of Indonesian Higher Health Education (Association of LAM-PTKes) Number OO27/LAM-PTKes/Akr PSB.PTN-BH/Sar/VIII/2O23 concerning the Recommendations for Fulfillment of Minimum Accreditation Requirements for Medical Study Programs in Undergraduate Programs The Indonesian Education University, UPI immediately opened registration.

Read also: Tuition fees of the medical study program at ITS, IPB, Unnes, Unesa and UNP


UPI has trained 33 medical educators

In addition, UPI also received a subpoena from the Executive Decree of the Association of Independent Accreditation Institutions of Indonesian Higher Health Education (Association of LAM-PTKes) Number OO28/LAM-PTKes/Akr PSB.PTN-BH/Sar /VIII/ 2O23 Concerning Recommendations for Satisfying Minimum Accreditation Requirements for Study Programs Doctor in Professional Education Program at Indonesian University of Education. “For the new professional program it will open four years later after the medical studies program has graduated students,” Didi said.

UPI has trained 33 medical educators. The fields of knowledge meet the minimum standards for opening medical study programs, namely basic medical sciences, public health, bioethics, medical education, specialist physicians, and sports medicine specialists.

Other support staff are 17 educational staff and laboratory assistants. “There are already UPI permanent lecturers who meet the requirements standardized by LAMPTKES and the Indonesian Medical Council,” said Didi.

The teaching staff is also the result of cooperation and guidance medical school Padjadjaran University and doctors from different hospitals. The facilities and infrastructure that has been prepared is a three-story building. It is used for classrooms, teaching rooms, classrooms, libraries, computer rooms and 13 laboratory rooms that meet the standards for the establishment of medical study programs.

Editor’s Choice: UPI Bandung Opens Medical Student Registration, Here’s The Schedule

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