
Why does fish smell fishy? – Techno

TIME.CO, JakartaFish it generally smells fishy. The strong fishy aroma can disturb the appetite and make many people question whether the fish they buy is fresh or not. So, what causes fish to smell fishy?

Woof friends in fish it actually comes from a chemical compound called trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). TMAO is a compound that usually has no aroma, but when the fish is subjected to an aging process, the bacteria present on its surface convert the nitrogen compounds contained in the fish into trimethylamine (TMA).

Reporting from Nutrition, TMA is the main reason why fish that is not fresh or not stored properly can give off a strong fishy aroma. Besides that, other factors that influence the aroma of fish are the type and species. Some species of fish, such as saltwater fish, tend to have a stronger taste and stronger aroma than freshwater fish.

Usually the fishy smell can also be influenced by the food consumed by the fish during its life. Fish that eat marine plankton or strong-smelling foods may have a stronger aroma.

How to get rid of fishy smell


When fish die, bacteria and enzymes in the fish’s body convert TMAO to TMA, which produces a fishy odor. Quoted from Healththis odor can be reduced by washing the fish with tap water to remove the TMA on the surface.

The fishy smell can also be masked by processing the fish with acidic ingredients such as lemon, vinegar or tomatoes. This odorous compound will bind to the water and become less volatile, so the smell won’t be as strong.

Different from freshwater fish which does not accumulate TMAO, so the meat tends to be softer and has no characteristic odor. However, freshwater fish can also have odor problems caused by compounds such as geosmin and methylisoborneol, produced by blue-green algae.

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