Which member of the academic community continues to criticize Jokowi?
MidLand, Jakarta – Later, term academic community often mentioned in various reports, in particular in reference to the phenomenon of actions called by some university campuses criticizing the government of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi.
The academic community, according to Law no. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education, article 1 paragraph (13), refers to the academic community made up of teachers and students.
In article 11 of the same Law, this term also defines a community that has a scientific tradition and an academic culture. This academic culture includes a system of values, ideas, norms, actions and works from science and technology in accordance with the principles of higher education.
The development of academic culture by the academic community can be carried out through social interaction regardless of differences in ethnicity, religion, race, class, gender, social status, economic level or political sect.
The academic community also has an obligation to maintain and develop this academic culture by treating science and technology as processes and products, as well as paradigms of beneficence and morality.
They are expected to be involved in the learning process, in the search for scientific truth, in the mastery and development of science and technology, as well as in the development of universities as scientific institutions.
Article 47 paragraph 1 also specifies that the academic community carries out community service activities. The goal is to practice and civilize science and technology to promote the general welfare and make the nation’s life intelligent.
In addition to this, Article 79 paragraph (4) states that all academics can use various open learning resources provided and developed by the government.
Professor are professional educators and scientists responsible for the transformation, development and dissemination of science and technology through education, research and community service activities.
As members of the academic community, educators have an important role in transforming science and technology for students. Teachers are responsible for creating a learning atmosphere that allows students to actively develop their potential.
In addition to this, according to article 12 of Law no. 12 of 2012, teachers are also required to write textbooks or textbooks and produce scientific publications as a learning resource for students and to develop academic culture.
Meanwhile, students are defined as students of the higher education level. Within the academic community, they are considered mature individuals who have the self-awareness necessary to develop their potential in higher education.
Students are required to actively develop their potential through learning, the pursuit of scientific truth, as well as the mastery, development and practice of science and technology.
They have academic freedom giving priority to reasoning and noble morals and are accountable in accordance with academic culture. Students have the right to receive educational services according to their talents, interests, potential and abilities, and can complete educational programs according to their individual learning pace and time limit established by the university.
Editors Choice: Professors and the academic community criticize Jokowi and recall Bung Hatta’s message to the intelligentsia
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