West Java lifts state of emergency on Greater Bandung waste, Bandung city requests extension
TIME.CO, Bandung – West Java acting governor Bey Machmudin said his party has revoked the status waste emergency For Bandung Raya extinguishing fires in landfills or TPA Sarimukti. “Since Sarimukti has been extinguished and there has been land use planning, the province does not extend the waste emergency,” he said in Bandung, Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
The state of emergency for waste in Greater Bandung following the fire at the Sarimukti landfill has been extended and expires on Wednesday 25 October 2023. It has been decided not to extend this state.
Bey said after the fire the Sarimukti TPA could not accommodate 100% of the waste as before the fire. “Sarimukti can no longer accept the full amount, it has to be 50%,” he told her.
Some Regions that still have difficulties in waste management are invited to extend the state of waste emergency in their respective Regions. “Especially the city of Bandung, we leave it to the city of Bandung itself,” she said.
However, Bey warned that each region should not casually declare a state of waste emergency. “If there really is a need for a waste emergency, it is welcome, but with clear responsibilities. So it is not just an emergency but there are no steps, there must be a solution. “There is not even a waste emergency constant, there will be an evaluation later,” he said.
Bey highlighted the city of Bandung which still saw waste accumulation in most of the TPS. “We know it and I reminded them to organize it properly. “People don’t want to know about it, the important thing is that it is transported, and they don’t even want to know about the affairs of the Municipality, of the Province, the important thing is that the waste is disposed of in orderly manner,” he said.
West Java Environmental Service head Prima Mayaningtias said the current capacity of the Sarimukti TPA after the expansion is only half of its initial capacity. “At 50 percent of 2 thousand tons per day, about 1,000 tons. “In Bandung city we receive 1,200 tons every day, so we can receive about 600 tons,” she said on Wednesday.
He first said the fire at the Sarimukti landfill had worsened conditions at the last waste storage site in Greater Bandung. “Sarimukti was initially an emergency landfill, then it was 800% overloaded, then there was another fire. “So we are no longer able to receive 100% of the revenue as before, which amounted to 2 thousand tons per day “, he said.
To anticipate a decrease in the capacity of the Sarimukti landfill, areas in Greater Bandung have been asked to manage their own organic waste. Organic waste represents the largest composition of waste, reaching 60%. “I’m running out of organic produce at home. “If they run out, 60% of the waste will be used up,” she said.
Previously, Bandung City Regional Secretary Ema Sumarna said that the Bandung City Government was planning to extend the waste emergency until the end of this year. “The waste emergency could take even longer. “We are still waiting for a policy from the provincial government of West Java,” she said, quoted from her statement, Tuesday, October 24, 2023.
EMA said the state of emergency is still necessary because camp conditions still require time to manage waste more optimally. “Given the conditions of the pitch it is necessary to make an extension. “If we can’t, obviously we’re going to have trouble managing the waste anyway,” she said.
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