
West Jakarta began checking the health of sacrificial animals ahead of Eid al-Adha

Jakarta (MidLand) – The West Jakarta (Pemkot Jakbar) city government has started checking the health and suitability of sacrificial animals ahead of the celebration of Idul Adha 1445 Hijri.

West Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Safety Sub-Department (KPKP) Head Novy C. Palit said the health inspection included physical conditions and age appropriateness at sacrificial animal shelters in the West Jakarta area. “From May 15 to May 21, 2024, a total of 764 sacrificial animals were examined, including 664 cows, 20 buffaloes and 80 goats or sheep. The sacrificial animals were from Central Java, East Java, NTB and Bali,” he said Novy in a message about Jakarta on Wednesday evening.

Furthermore, Novy said that checking the health and fitness of sacrificial animals is a step towards controlling strategic animal infectious diseases (PHMS). “In the context of strategic infectious animal disease (PHMS) control,” she said.

In addition to this, his party also checked documents relating to the trafficking of sacrificial animals. “We have verified that (so far) no one has reported the accident (traffic violation),” Novy said.

Read also: Ahead of Eid al-Adha, East Jakarta KPKP sub-agency inspected 2,241 sacrificial animalsHis party also monitors the suitability of sacrificial animal shelters which include maintenance facilities such as shade roofs, security fences, quarantine cages and isolation.

“Officers will also provide medical services if an animal is sick,” he said. Inspections of sacrificial animals will continue to be carried out as new sacrificial animals arrive in the local area.

“Data collection is carried out in all sub-districts. My team will definitely visit each sub-district,” Novy concluded.

Read also: The total availability of sacrificial animals in Lampung is 84,937
Read also: DKI begins checking the health and suitability of sacrificial animals

Reporter: Redemptus Elyonai Risky Syukur
Publisher: Triono Storm
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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