
Various logins to make sacrifices online are easier during Eid al-Adha 1445H

Jakarta (MidLand) – For Muslims in Indonesia, the Eid al-Adha 1445H prayer service will take place on Monday, June 17, 2024. At this time, followers of the Islamic faith are urged to remember the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim after he was willing to sacrifice his son Ismail as a form of obedience to Allah.

Through Idul Adha, Muslims are also invited to follow the same example by participating in sacrifice as an expression of gratitude to God for all the blessings that have been given to human beings as His people.

In this digital age sacrifice can be made even more easily and can be found through access on line. Below, MidLand summarizes reliable access to sacrifice on line at the time of Eid al-Adha 1445H.

Read also: Muamalat Bank provides a function to purchase sacrificial animals via “mobile banking”

Baznas Blessing Sacrifice

The first online sacrifice can be made via the National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas) website. website-at

Based on information from Instagram @baznasindonesia, Baznas has been entrusted with the task of providing and distributing sacrifices in Indonesia at all times of Eid al-Adha from year to year. For 2024, Baznas is aiming for four million sacrifices in the Baznas Blessed Sacrifice 2024 Program.

For paying this sacrifice online, Baznas provides convenient services in the form of payment on line which is legal and can be held accountable according to sharia.

For those of you who choose to sacrifice online via Baznas, the sacrificial meat will surely be distributed to all provinces in Indonesia afterwards.

Read also: Blibli presents a sacrifice program for Eid al-Adha

Zakat House

Another recommended online access for sacrifice is the Rumah Zakat application which can be downloaded and installed on both Android devices from Google PlayStore and Apple devices with access from Apps Store.

There are several sacrificial programs that can be chosen through Rumah Zakat, the first being the “Village Qurbani” program. Through this program the sacrifices will be selected from local farmers. The Qurbani will be slaughtered according to sharia in villages that offer minimal sacrifices, so that people in these villages can experience happiness at the time of Eid al-Adha and help empower local livestock farmers.

Then there is the “Superqurban” program, for those of you who choose this program, the sacrificial meat slaughtered according to sharia will be processed into corned beef which has a shelf life of three years or rendang with a shelf life of two years. Subsequently, the results of the sacrifice can be enjoyed throughout the year by people in need both in remote areas of Indonesia and around the world.

Read also: The use of digital platforms facilitates the creation of sacrificial services


Sayurbox may be known to the public as an application that can be used to purchase fresh kitchen ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. However, for the time of Eid al-Adha, Sayurbox now also provides access to users of its application to make sacrifices online.

This is the result of collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa, qurban on line to Sayurbox for Eid al-Adha 1445H can be done until June 16, 2024. Through the Sayurbox application, potential sacrificers can choose the type and weight of the animal to be sacrificed.

The sacrificial animals will not be sent to the house of sacrifice but will be immediately slaughtered according to sharia in the name of sacrifice and distributed to areas with needy communities.

Also Read: BSI Maslahat is ready to distribute meat to people through online sacrifices

Bank of Sacrifice

Qurban Bank provided sacrificial services on line since 2018 and operates under the auspices of PT. Nusantara Digital Qurban Bank. For interested Qurbanis, this service can be accessed via Scope of the sacrifice on line from Qurban Bank includes services in Jabodetabek, Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Madura and Nusa Tenggara.

Victim on line which is done through Qurban Bank for Idul Adha 1445H will be slaughtered and distributed on the same day on 10th Dzulhijjah and three days of Tasyrik on or around 16-19 June 2024.

DT doesn’t care

DT Peduli is a charitable organization that also provides access to sacrifice on line via the website There are two programs presented and you can choose from for qurbani, namely “Qurbani Remote Country” and “Qurbana Across Country”.

For the “remote areas of Qurban”, as the name suggests, the sacrifices will be slaughtered according to sharia and distributed to areas of Indonesia where people need them.

Meanwhile, the “Transnational Qurban” will be implemented in two countries, namely Palestine and Africa. Sacrifice on line These cross-country routes to the Palestinian territory come in three forms, namely sheep, camels and cattle. Meanwhile, for African destinations, the only sacrifices that can be purchased are sheep and cows.

Read also: Baznas Online Sacrifice is an effort for equitable distribution of sacrificial meat

We can

KitaBisa, as a fundraising and donation site for social and humanitarian activities, also provides sacrificial services online.

You can access this service via the website website or via the KitaBisa application that can be installed on Android or Apple devices. The sacrificer can choose the place of sacrifice from the list of places provided by KitaBisa.

Afterwards, the slaughtered sacrificial meat will be distributed to needy residents around the selected sacrificial site.

Read also: Sayurbox gaet Dompet Dhuafa provides sacrificial animals without PMK

Reporter: Livia Kristianti
Publisher: Siti Zulaikha
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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