
UNS prepares a new design of graduation standards for D4 and S1 students without the requirement of a thesis

TIME.CO, Solo – Rector of Sebelas Maret University (WE) Only Jamal Wiwoho said his party will immediately follow up on the issuance of Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 53 of 2023 relating to quality assurance in higher education. In particular, carrying out new policy-related projects that D4 and S1 students are not required to do thesis for approval requirements.

“We coordinated. I asked the UNS Institute for Development and Quality Assurance (LPPMP) team, Prof. Sarwiji (Chairman of the UNS LPPMP), Prof. Yunus (Vice Chancellor I or UNS Academic and Student Affairs) to plan and at least provide this readiness a year from now,” Jamal said when he met with the media crew at UNS Solo on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023.

Jamal firmly stated that in Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023 it is stated that D4 and S1 students are not required to do a thesis. However, according to him, this does not mean that nothing exists without thesis.

“That doesn’t mean that people Not (not) thesis Not nothing like that From. There are still other alternatives to replace it. For example, prototypes, projects or certain activities that can be aligned to it. Soon we will make a plan regarding the non-mandatory nature of the thesis. So that’s not to say that a thesis isn’t required and then there isn’t one You know yes,” Jamal said.

Jamal said his party interpreted the policy to mean that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology gave authority to campuses to be able to design final assignments for students. “What we mean by this policy is that the Ministry provides opportunities for universities to innovate with some creativity to ensure standardization of graduates or results,” he said.


Jamal admits that this is obviously not easy for universities because they have to keep up with changes that can now happen very quickly. On the other hand, he revealed that the policy of not requiring a thesis is actually nothing new for UNS. Because several faculties have implemented this policy.

“For example, those who win the Student Science Week or the PIM, PIMNAS, even those champions will no longer need to write a thesis,” Jamal said.

According to Jamal this also applies to the projects carried out by the groups. “For example, if they are in a group, then the group has graduated and if they have won the national level, they will no longer need to verify their thesis. And we announced this at FKIP, for example,” he said. “Also, for some study programs, a thesis is not required.”

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