UNESCO designates Yogyakarta Philosophical Axis as a World Heritage Site, Panggung-Kraton-Tugu
TIME.CO, Jakarta – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Agency o UNESCO designated the Yogyakarta Axis of Philosophy as one of Indonesia’s world heritage sites at the 45th Session of the World Heritage Committee (WHC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Monday, September 18, 2023.
One session was attended by DIY KGPAA Deputy Governor Sri Paduka Paku Alam 39 on September 18, 2023.
“Congratulations to Indonesia for approving the Axis of Philosophy as a world cultural heritage,” said World Heritage Committee Chairman Abdulelah Al-Tokhais in an official statement received in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, September 19, 2023.
Responding to this determination, DIY governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono
The Axis of Philosophy, according to the Sultan, is a cultural heritage full of high philosophy, therefore it must be preserved with all the attributes that accompany it.
“We express our gratitude to UNESCO and all levels of society, who have supported efforts to preserve the Axis of Philosophy as a world heritage that has noble universal values for human civilization in the present and future,” said Sri Sultan .
Sri Sultan hopes that this determination can be used as an opportunity for joint learning on the universal values needed to create a new and better world in the future. It is hoped that the Sultan will serve these noble values as inspiration and reference to create a better world.
Unlike world heritage nominations from other countries, the process of determining the Axis of Philosophy as a World Cultural Heritage is relatively fast.
The Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz Ahmad, as head of the Indonesian government delegation present at the session, expressed his thanks to the UNESCO World Heritage Commission for bringing about the inclusion of the Yogyakarta Philosophical Axis on the World Heritage List.
“We are honored to be able to contribute this gem to the World Heritage List, which is a beautiful blend of tangible and intangible cultural heritage,” said Abdul Aziz.
Apart from DIY KGPAA deputy governor Sri Paduka Paku Alam
“The philosophical axis of Yogyakarta with the name ‘The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta and its Historical Monuments’, now not only belongs to Yogyakarta or Indonesia, but also belongs to the world,” Paku Alam X said.
Paku Alam pointed out that this determination was an extraordinary global reward for the existence of Yogyakarta’s noble cultural values such as Yogyakarta’s special values, identity and identity. “Yogyakarta culture helps maintain the sustainability of global prosperity,” he said.
According to the head of the Yogyakarta Cultural Service, Dian Lakshmi Pratiwi, the main purpose of this designation is not simply to obtain the World Heritage status, which is considered by many countries to be very prestigious, but is more driven to preserve the precious cultural heritage heritage of Yogyakarta’s identity.
“The struggle to maintain the status is much more difficult, because the Philosophy Axis does not only belong to DIY, Indonesia but also to the world. So it is very important to understand the common commitment to maintain it according to international standards,” Dian said.
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Works of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I
The Yogyakarta Philosophical Axis, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List with the full title “The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta and Its Historical Monuments”, is recognized as a world heritage site because it is considered to be of universal significance.
The concept of spatial planning, which became known as the Yogyakarta Philosophical Axis, was first coined by the first king of the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate Hadiningrat in the 18th century.
This spatial concept is based on the Javanese conception and takes the form of a straight road structure stretching between Panggung Krapyak in the south, Kraton Yogyakarta and Tugu Yogyakarta in the north.
The structure of the street and several surrounding areas filled with philosophical symbolism are the embodiment of Javanese philosophy on human existence which includes the human life cycle (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi), harmonious life among humans and between humans and nature (Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana), the relationship between humans and the creator Sang The and between the leader and the people (Manunggaling Kawula Gusti), as well as the microcosmic and macrocosmic world.
Various Javanese cultural traditions and practices, whether in government, customary law, art, literature, festivals and rituals, are still carried on particularly in the Philosophers’ Axis area and in Yogyakarta generally.
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