
Unair students win awards in Thailand for public policy recommendations on mass transportation

MidLand, Jakarta – Ahmad Muwaffiq Rosyadi, student of the public administration studies program at Airlangga University, won prize at the YALPI (Young ASEAN Leaders Policy Initiative) event. Recommendation public order initiated by Muwaffiq was awarded the best initiative at the annual conference held in Bangkok, Thailand.

The recommendations prepared by Muwaffiq are titled “Sustainable Mobility Initiative: Accessible Public Transport for All”. This public policy working paper attempts to address mass transit issues in Bangkok. According to Muwaffiq, Bangkok residents tend to use private vehicles rather than public transport. The cause is the lack of connection to different modes public transport as well as the poor accessibility of station or terminal infrastructure for the elderly and people with disabilities.

In his recommendations, Muwaffiq proposed three points to solve this problem, namely integrating different modes of public transport such as buses, increasing the accessibility of transport infrastructure and making Bangkok’s public transport system more environmentally friendly, i.e. low emissions.

Muwaffiq believes that this topic is relevant to the public administration studies he is currently pursuing Unair. This study program studies the crucial stages and dynamics in making public policies. “Thanks to this YALPI program I obtained intuition and a more comprehensive perspective on the policy design process from the speaker who is the director of the 101 Public Policy Think Tank,” Muwaffiq said in his written statement, Thursday, February 15, 2024.


Young ASEAN Leaders Policy Initiative (YALPI) is an annual conference program organized by the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. This event, which was held from February 5 to 10, invited an unlimited number of youth delegations from ASEAN member countries.

According to Muwaffiq, in a series of YALPI activities, participants practice developing policy projects in a format Political white paper. He hopes that this type of off-campus activity will be very important for students. “While we are still students, a program like this is great for enriching our portfolio and learning things outside of class,” she said, according to whom the prizes are just a bonus.

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