UGM expert explains the development challenges and urbanization potential of IKN Nusantara
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Professor of the Faculty of Geography of Gadjah Mada University or UGM, Rini Rachmawati, said that there are several factors that need to be considered as impact of urbanization from the construction of the country’s capital or IKN Nusantara. Some of these things include, among others, related to spatial planning, provision of housing, provision of physical, social and digital infrastructure, preparation of buffer areas in anticipation urban expansion and foster the generation of new developments, preparing job opportunities and anticipating the social impacts of modern urban life.
“Organization of the city shrewd “and sustainability are also aspects that need to be considered for this IKN,” said Rini, quoted by the UGM website, Thursday 26 October 2023.
Rini said the development of the smart city concept at the IKN should be livable and intelligent for its citizens. A part from that, smart city The IKN will subsequently be able to improve people’s quality of life by accelerating economic development.
Draft smart city It should also be able to make cities smarter than before, both in administrative, community, social life, economic and environmental aspects. The development of the IKN smart city also allows cities to integrate different services into a single port with ICT integration.
According to Rini, the most important element of smart city in the preparation of IKN in Indonesia, especially in relation to intelligent governance. Not only that, the concept intelligent life AND intelligent environment Attention must be paid from the beginning to create a comfortable, orderly and safe city. A part from that, smart branding important in relation to the face of the city in the development of the tourism ecosystem and creative industries.
“The spatial plan and the master plan of the IKN have been implemented and regulate the principles of sustainability. In the future, however, it will be necessary to examine it further regarding the implementation intelligent and sustainable urban development IKN,” Rini said.
Migration and population expert at UGM’s Faculty of Geography, Sukamdi, said the construction of IKN could stimulate secondary cities to prevent population growth around IKN. It is expected that this will be able to absorb migrants so that high population growth does not occur.
Because, according to Sukamdi, the shift of the government center to the IKN will cause demographic changes. Some of them predict that the population will increase rapidly, the population density will be high and there will be an accumulation of population around the center of the capital.
“The dependency rate will be low due to the migration of the productive age population and the proportion of elderly people will be low,” Sukamdi said.
Another effect that could occur is the marginalization of local residents. Local residents will be expelled by large numbers of immigrants.
“The effects of this migration may also give rise to labor market segmentation and social tensions or conflicts,” Sukamdi said.
Meanwhile, UGM Faculty of Engineering regional and urban planning expert Muhammad Sani Roychansyah highlighted forms of urban planning that encourage the creation of Smart and green city. According to him, there are various choices of city forms that really depend on the context or factors, such as physical, social, demographic, economic and other environments.
“The processes, procedures and dynamics or innovation of development towards goals and objectives for the next 20 years are the keys to IKN’s success, especially integrating the city area which is five times larger than DKI Jakarta” , Sani said.
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