Two scientific articles most cited by UGM teachers: what are they?
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Gadjah Mada University or UGM is included among the top 50 in the world in THE Impact Rankings 2023. Gadjah Mada University is included among the top 50 universities in the world contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 7 and 9.
Vice-Chancellor for Research and Teaching Wening Udasmoro said identifying achievements in UGM Sustainable Development Goals publications in Scopus within a certain time period is important. This is to determine the impact of UGM on global knowledge research and development. Wening communicated this by opening a workshop for writers who published SDG-oriented publications in mid-September at Wesma MM UGM.
Citations are quotes included in academic writings or scientific works by mentioning the reference source. Writing citations has the potential to prevent author plagiarism. But above all, citations of scientific publications published in international journals have now been used as an evaluation indicator in university rankings.
Recently, Times Higher Education (THE) carried out a ranking measuring the success of universities in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through citation results.
The head of UGM’s Quality Assurance and Reputation Unit (SPMRU), Indra Wijaya Kusuma, also expressed something similar. He emphasized that citations are an indicator in university rankings. “Citations are a natural thing and there is no way to intervene. Citations are an indicator to evaluate the ranking of universities around the world,” Indra Wijaya Kusuma said, quoted by the UGM website.
As known from data, there is a list of the highest number of citations from UGM based on 17 SDG thematic areas over the last 10 years. Two of the three most cited SDG publications are titled articles Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): an overview of viral structure and host response obtained 637 citations. This article is included in the SDG points Good health and well-being. This article was published in the journal Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews and was written by Indwiani Astuti of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health (FKKMK).
Then, articles Use of and barriers to access to opioid analgesics: a global, regional and national study obtained 383 citations. The article is included in the SDGs points for partnership for the goals. This article was written by FK-KMK Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Sri Suryawati.
On a separate occasion, UGM Research Director Professor Mirwan Ushada expressed his appreciation to Indwiani Astuti as the author whose article received the highest citations. “Congratulations to Dr. Indwiani and prof. “Sri Suryawati whose articles have been published most in international journals,” Mirwan Ushada said.
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