Top 3 Tekno: prediction of the end of the rainy season, reasons why KPPS members died, stories of eyewitnesses of the tornado
MidLand, Jakarta – The first 3 Tekno Today’s news starting from estimates from the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) and the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) regarding the end of the rainy season in Indonesia. Precipitation increased from late 2023 to early this year. Several provinces, such as Central Java and Jambi, were even hit by extreme weather conditions resulting in natural disasters, namely floods.
The next topic is the analysis of a heart and blood vessel specialist, Mega Febrianora, on the causes of death of members of the Vote Organizing Group (KPPS) serving in the 2024 elections. Heart problems are considered the main reason for tiredness of the workers at the voting booths. In fact, most of these incidents were caused by heart disease, exacerbated by how long officers worked from morning to morning.
Other news concerns the acting governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, who witnessed firsthand the severity of the tornado that hit the border area of Bandung and Sumedang, last Wednesday afternoon, February 21, 2024. Bey, who was stranded in traffic, he was one of the witnesses of the black column of wind that damaged the roofs of the houses and the structures of one of the local factories.
1. When does the rainy season end in Indonesia? This is the prediction of BRIN and BMKG
Questions continue to arise about the end of the rainy season, due to widespread flooding and landslides resulting from prolonged rainfall. The rainy season began at the end of December 2023 and continues to this day. Heavy rainfall triggered hydrometeorological disasters in several areas, for example in Demak, Central Java and Bungo Regency, Jambi province.
Senior lead researcher at the BRIN Center for Climate and Atmospheric Research, Eddy Hermawan, had estimated that the rainy season would only last until the end of January, due to the moderate El Nino phenomenon that is still ongoing. “It seems that the rain will only end in February, because El Nino started in May 2023 and will end in May 2024,” Eddy said in his statement, cited by Antara on January 5, 2024.
Eddy explained that the phenomenon of rain currently falling in various regions of Indonesia is influenced by the Asian monsoon or west wind. Periodic monsoon winds bring water vapor from Siberia, Japan, Hong Kong to Vietnam to Indonesia and produce rain. This prediction was dashed because the rainfall intensity was still quite high until February 2024.
The official BMKG website at the end of September 2023 estimated that the peak of the rainy season in most regions of Indonesia will occur in January and February 2024, i.e. 385 seasonal zones or ZOMs. The duration of the rainy season is 10-24 days, for a total of 10 days of rain.
2. KPPS member dies, doctor: Heart disease causes fatigue
A heart and blood vessel specialist, Mega Febrianora, said that heart disease has caused fatigue among KPPS members who died during the 2024 elections. As of February 17, 2024, the General Election Commission (KPU) recorded that 57 members of the KPPS were dead during the 2024 election process. .
“So fatigue is a manifestation of all diseases experienced by a person,” Mega said in an event session broadcast by the Ministry of Health, on February 22, 2024.
According to him, the work model of the KPPS is not complicated, starting from the lifting of the polls, registration and reporting of the results. However, the long duration, from morning to dawn, made the work dangerous. What’s worse, citing data from the Ministry of Health, as many as 400,000 of the KPPS’ total 6.8 million members appear to have elevated health risks in the form of heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
When you do strenuous activities, Mega said, the body increases blood pressure and heart rate to supply oxygen. Failure to compensate causes a person to burn out. “There is a decrease in cardiac capacity that is characterized by a decrease in cardiac output, ejection fraction, or decreased cardiac pumping.”
3. Powerful Tornado: Story of Acting Governor of West Java Seeing the Roof of a Houseboat
West Java Acting Governor Bey Machmudin witnessed firsthand the enormity of the tornado that hit the Bandung and Sumedang areas on Wednesday afternoon, February 21, 2024. Bey, who was stuck in traffic in the Cicalengka area of Bandung regency, saw a “log” emerging from a swirl of clouds in the sky. “(I) saw a vortex,” he said Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024.
He could see the roofs of houses floating in the distance. From Bey’s testimony, a sheet of zinc would have fallen not far from the car he was in. “I saw many things in the field, there was a light steel structure of the roof of a house under construction, carried by the wind, apparently flying away,” he said.
From data collected by the West Java Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) as of Thursday afternoon, the impact of the extreme wind vortex has reached five subdistricts. Two subdistricts are part of Sumedang regency, namely Jatinangor and Cimanggung. Meanwhile, the other three are in Bandung Regency, namely Cileunyi, Rancaekek and Cicalengka.
The editor’s choice: the story of a UGM student who died before the thesis test, the diploma received by her parents
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