Today is Sunday, traffic is quieter but Jakarta’s air pollution is still the highest
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Although today, Sunday August 20, 2023, is a public holiday, in the midst of the number of passing vehicles it is quieter than on weekdays, Jakarta air pollution still the tallest in the world.
The IQAir application says today, at 06.54 WIB, Jakarta is still in first place, followed by Doha (Qatar), Baghdad (Iraq) and Delhi (India). These four cities are in the unhealthy category.
Jakarta has PM 2.5 of 74.6 µg/m3. Jakarta’s neighbor, in Jabodetabek, Depok has 60.2 µg/m3 and Bekasi has 58.2 µg/m3. Both were in the unhealthy category at the latest data at 0400 WIB.
Tangerang is at 51.2 µg/m3 in the unhealthy category for sensitive groups as of the latest data at 04:00. Meanwhile, Bogor already has 28.7 µg/m3 in the moderate category with data as of 0600 WIB.
IQAir also claimed that Bandung was worse than Jakarta i.e. 83.6 µg/m3. The situation on other islands, such as Denpasar, is 31 µg/m3 and Bontang is 9.1 µg/m3.
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Breath data
Another app, Breath, provides even smaller area data. In the data at 06.57 WIB, of the top 10 polluters, 5 were from Jabodetabek excluding Jakarta.
The order:
-Parung Panjang, Bogor – 156 µg/m3 – very unhealthy category
-Tanjungsari, Surabaya – 140 µg/m3
-Serpong, South Tangerang – 134 µg/m3
-Kertamulya, West Bandung – 130 µg/m3
Babat, Surabaya – 122 µg/m3
-Punggul, Sidoarjo – 122 µg/m3
-Tarumajaya, Bekasi – 119 µg/m3
-Mount Sindur, Bogor – 114 µg/m3
-Ciater, South Tangerang – 112 µg/m3
– Panungangan Utara, Tangerang – 110 µg/m3
PM2.5 are solid air polluting particles measuring less than 2.5 micrometers or 36 times smaller than the diameter of a grain of sand. According to WHO standards, measurements are in µg/m3 units. The safe category is in the range of 0 – 12 µg/m3, moderate (12.1 – 35.4 µg/m3), unhealthy for sensitive groups (35.5 – 55.4 µg/m3), unhealthy (55, 5 – 150.4 µg/m3), very unhealthy (150.5 – 250.4 µg/m3) and toxic (>250.4 µg/m3).
Data The breath comes from low cost sensors distributed over more than 180 location points and represent an area coverage of 1-2km from the installed sensor location. Air quality data are accepted real time and can be accessed in the Breath application.
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