Three steps by the Ministry of Education and Culture to reduce the rate of violence in educational environments
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Case numbers violence in a growing educational environment needs serious attention from various parties. The Center for Character Building (Puspeka) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has also initiated three strategic measures to reduce the number of violence in educational environment.
“The first step is to strengthen the formation of violence prevention and management teams (TPPK) in various regions and educational units,” Puspeka head Rusprita Putri Utami said on Thursday, October 19, 2023.
Prita said the TPPK in East Java is still weak. Because, of the total number of 67,335 educational units in East Java, only 1.51% of institutions have formed TPPK.
To increase this percentage, Prita said her party will carry out massive awareness raising on the role and tasks of the TPPK team in educational units.
“Because the TPPK does not only involve the role of teachers but also of schools, committees and parents of students,” Prita said.
The TPPK of the educational unit must also advise the school principal on programs and activities to prevent violence.
Secondly, intervene through public campaigns on violence. Meanwhile, the third step is to start a program roots anti-bullying. This program has been active since 2021 and collaborates with Unicef.
“This program involved 10,708 institutions and produced more than 51,370 change agents, who in this case place students in sample “to spread positive values and kindness among peers,” Prita said.
This year Puspeka is targeting 2,750 educational units from middle, high school and vocational schools to follow technical guidance offline and online.
According to data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), in 2022 there will be 2,133 cases in the category of sexual crimes against children, children victims of physical and psychological violence as well as cases of victims of pornography and cybercrime. SMeanwhile, other data from the National Assessment of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023 shows that 34.51% have the potential to experience sexual violence. So 26.9% of students have the potential to suffer physical violence and 36.31 students are subjected to bullying.
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