This is the impact of artificial intelligence on mental health: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – A study recently conducted by Health Science and Technology (HST) students showed something surprising.
This study evaluates that Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots are considered capable of influencing human interactions and can promote mental health with an empathetic, neutral or even manipulative attitude, influencing perception.
According to a report from the Harvard MIT Health Science and Technology (HST) page, Saturday (7/10/2023), AI users can even shape how they communicate even if they’re just talking to a chatbot.
Besides that, the researchers also explained that AI users can not only change a person’s mental health but also change their behavior.
This is because the AI can respond to the user when the person changes his behavior, so the AI will also change.
In this study, the researchers sought to determine how much empathy and effectiveness people perceive towards AI based on their subjective perceptions and how much based on the technology itself.
The researchers designed a study in which humans interacted with their colleagues through AI mental health conversations for 30 minutes, “and the results in the first group were told that the AI agent had no motive , but in the second group it showed that the AI had good intentions and cared about the well-being of its users, while in the third group the AI had bad intentions and will try to deceive users,” reads the statement of the study’s findings.
The survey results showed that only 44% of them had a negative outlook, while 88% had a positive outlook and 79% fell into the neutral group.
For this reason, researchers in the future will still want to see how AI users interact with their interlocutors.

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So, with what they’ve learned, researchers can improve the application of AI as a useful and valid treatment for mental health.
Additionally, long-term studies are needed to see how AI users shape mental health therapy over time.
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