
The water monitoring post in Palmerah collapsed as it was eroded by river water

As far as management is concerned, God willing, tomorrow it will be managed, it will be followed up. So really focus here first.

Jakarta (MidLand) – The water monitoring post in Palmerah, West Jakarta, Jakarta collapsed on Monday around 2.30pm WIB due to water erosion by the Grogol Inspection River.

The ruins of the water monitoring station then fell into the body of the river and choked the flow of water.

“At first it was a long time ago. I mean, at the beginning of this year it was like the pressure, (the water) seemed to seep down, so at night it eroded,” said DKI Filter Jakarta Environmental Service Water Agency (UPS) Officer Agus will be on site Monday.

Agus said his party will complete the administration this Tuesday.

“As far as management goes, God willing, tomorrow it will be managed, there will be a follow-up. So we will focus here first,” Agus said.

Following the violation of the water monitoring post, river water reached the homes of residents.

“It was flooded to the top. It was already flooded to the top, people’s houses had already been built, but it was slow, because it (garbage) came back again,” Agus said again.

West Jakarta Water Resources Sub-Department (SDA) head Purwanti Suryandari said the monitoring post was a waste filter belonging to the local environment sub-department.

“The location of the Palmerah waste filter is on the southern and western borders. The landslide, the generator house building, has been eroded by water quite strongly. Efforts are currently being made to remove several ‘bar screen’ panels in so that the damming effect does not occur. This is the information from the UPK for water bodies,” Purwanti said.

Read also: Two cars fell into irrigation in Palmerah
Read also: Short circuit causes fire in 15 houses in Palmerah

Reporter: Redemptus Elyonai Risky Syukur
Publisher: Budisantoso Budiman
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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