The story of Khoirotul who suffers an accident before graduation and becomes the best graduate of Unesa
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Khoirotul Ula, was named the best graduate of the Master’s Degree in Basic Education, Faculty of Education (FIP) Surabaya State University or Unesa at the graduation ceremony which was held on Tuesday 10 October 2023. The graduation ceremony which was held in Grha Unesa was attended by 1,501 graduates.
Even though he had to use a wheelchair, Khoirotul Ula was still present at the inauguration of his master’s degree. He had an accident while he was about to register for the judiciary. At that moment he was driving a motorbike and had an accident.
“I fell when women on bicycles suddenly turned in front and at the same time there was a car in front. “I was shocked and didn’t concentrate, then I fell,” Khoirotul said, quoted by the Unesa website on Friday 13 October 2023.
Since the accident he thought he had only sustained common injuries and sprains. However, after being admitted to hospital, he broke a bone and had to go through a long recovery process.
Due to this condition he uses a wheelchair which makes it difficult for him to move around, even when he registers for the judiciary. Fortunately, he had a good friend from Jombang who helped him complete the graduation registration and was able to attend the graduation.
The Lamongan woman said she was mentally shaken by the incident. However, after thinking about it and believing in himself, she sincerely accepted it.
“I once thought it would be embarrassing for me to have to graduate in a wheelchair, but my family motivated me to continue with my diploma because this was the result of my struggle all this time. “When I graduated, my sister accompanied me,” he explained.
The woman, who is a kindergarten teacher, hopes that after graduation she can provide more benefits to other people, especially her students. During this period, in addition to studying for a master’s degree, Khoirotul was also engaged in teaching. All these sacrifices paid off when he received the Outstanding Graduate Award with a GPA of 3.97.
Unesa Chancellor Nurhasan appreciated his presence at the graduation ceremony even though he was injured and had to use a wheelchair. According to him, Khoirotul is an exceptional student and has great dedication and motivation in studying.
“As our appreciation, the university provides support in the form of health insurance to support the recovery process and we also express our appreciation to the graduates who are heavily pregnant,” he said.
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