
The selection of candidates for the rector of Jember University 2024-2028 has been held

TIME.CO, Jember – President of the Working Committee for the Selection of Candidates Principal Jember University Fendi Setyawan said the term of the Rector of Jember University will expire on January 31, 2024.

“In this regard, the committee will begin screening potential candidates, vetting candidates, shortlisting candidates and determining and inaugurating the rector of Jember University for the 2024-2028 term,” Fendi Setyawan said in a written statement, Monday September 11, 2023. .

In accordance with the provisions of regulation no. 19 of 2017 of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the selection phase of future rectors takes place within five months before the end of the current rector’s mandate. In the screening phase, the formation of the committee, the announcement of the selection process, the registration of potential candidates, the administrative selection and the announcement of the results of the selection process are carried out.

The formation of the Working Committee for the selection of chancellor candidates was carried out on August 21, 2023, while the announcement of the selection of future chancellor candidates was made from August 28, 2023.

Subsequently, the registration of future registrars will take place from September 4 to 15, 2023. The administrative selection will then take place from September 18 to 22, 2023. The announcement of the selection results will be made on September 27, 2023.

“After the screening phase, it turned out that there were at least four potential candidates for chancellor, so the next phase was screening,” Fendi said. If at least four candidates for the position of rector have not been obtained by the deadline for registration, the selection period will be extended.

However, if it is achieved, the screening phase will be carried out at the latest two months before the end of the current Chancellor’s term. Activities carried out in the screening phase include conveying the vision, mission and work program of potential candidates before an open meeting of the Senate; and the consideration and determination of three candidates for chancellor by the Senate in a closed Senate meeting.

“The three candidates determined by the Senate are then presented to the Minister no later than one month before the elections are held,” Fendi said.

Elections must take place at least two weeks before the end of the current chancellor’s term. The election takes place in a closed-door meeting held by the Senate together with the Minister.

The requirements for a candidate for chancellor are:

A. Public officials who have experience in positions as Teachers with the lowest academic level being Associate Professor;

B. Believing and fearing God Almighty;

C. Maximum age of 60 years at the end of the mandate of the current PTN Leader (Rector);


D. Have at least managerial experience as a department head or other equivalent designation, or school head for at least two years at a PTN;

And. Willing to be appointed PTN Leader;

F. Physically and mentally healthy;

G. Free from narcotics, precursors and other addictive substances;

H. Every element of the lowest ranking official’s job performance evaluation has been good for the past two years;

I. Not currently being on a study assignment or study permit for more than six months which leaves the tridharma of higher education assignments;

J. Not currently serving a moderate or severe level of disciplinary punishment;

K. Has never been sentenced to prison on the basis of a court decision that has permanent legal force;

L. Educated Doctor (S3);

M. Never plagiarize as regulated by law; AND

N. Prepared and submitted a report on the wealth of state officials (LHKPN) to the Corruption Eradication Commission.

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