
The right way and time to withdraw SBN

Jakarta (MidLand) – When investing in SBN (government bonds), investors will definitely benefit from the income after purchasing or investing in SBN.

One of the attractions of SBN is its low level of risk and more flexible and easy sales.

Below are ways to easily withdraw SBN, especially for novice investors, making withdrawals convenient and easy:

1. Withdraw SBN in the Secondary Market

Secondary market is also called stock exchange or market of securities that can be traded between investors by making a primary offering. However, not all types of SBN can be sold in the secondary market because only a few types of SBN can be sold, such as retail government bonds (ORI) and retail Sukuk (SR).

2. Make SBN withdrawals via the purchasing platform

SBN withdrawals can be made on the distribution partner platform that investors make when they initiate an investment purchase.

Through this platform we will explain how to withdraw using the different facilities that have been equipped on each investment purchasing platform.

Hopefully investors will not be confused about SBN withdrawals because security is guaranteed on every media distribution platform that has cooperated and has permission from OJK.

3. Collect SBN on Early redemption

SBN withdrawal via Early redemption It is an easy way if investors want to withdraw their investment before maturity. SBN products that can be availed Early redemption this is Savings bond re-entry (SBR) and Saving Sukuk (ST) with characteristics not marketable.

When making a withdrawal via Early redemption Investors should pay attention to the period Early redemption based on the ratio between investment products.

If you entered during that period, new investors can make early withdrawals. However, if the status or period Early redemption You haven’t entered that period yet, so this option won’t appear.

Withdraw Early redemption can only be made with a maximum amount equal to 50% of the total ownership of the investment and investment by the investor Early redemption This period is usually set by the government even before the expiry period.

Where can you buy SBN?

SBN can be traded on the secondary market before maturity, in the form of SBN ownership in the form of a portfolio visualization and the proof of Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) which can be downloaded to e-SBN payment services or purchase from any application.

Here are some recommended banking and application apps for purchasing SBN:

1. PT Bibit Growing together
2. PT Bareksa Investment Portal
3. PT Star Capital Market (Tanamduit)
4. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
5. PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk
6. PT Bank Panin Tbk
7. PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
8. PT Bank Danamon Bank Indonesia Tbk
9. PT Bank DBS Indonesia
10. PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
11. PT Bank Permata Tbk
12. PT HSBC Indonesia Bank
13. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
14. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
15. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Read also: SBN for investments? Come on, come and learn about the various SBNs

Read also: Understanding SBN, the securities that represent a safe investment option

Read also: BPK encounters issues in LKTBI, related to SBN and BI-FAST

Reporter: Sean Anggiatheda Sitorus
Publisher: Alviansyah Pasaribu
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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