
The results of the vote summary remain valid even if they are not signed by witnesses

Jakarta (MidLand) – Indonesian KPU member August Mellaz said that the results of the vote counting summary in South Sumatra province remained valid even though the witness couple Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and doctor Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud did not they signed form D of the results at the provincial level.

Mellaz disclosed this following a special note regarding witnesses who did not sign Form D on provincial-level results during the vote recap process for South Sumatra province at the Indonesian KPU office, Jakarta, on Monday.

According to him this was normal because not all participants in the elections had witnesses when the votes were counted.

“But what is clear is that in many cases there are also those who do not sign anything or, for example, there are no witnesses,” Mellaz said.

Read also: Sirekap in South Sumatra is problematic, KPU: Losing Anies-Muhaimin votes

Nonetheless, he explained that counting votes without witnesses was still valid due to the existence of authentic documents such as Form C results and D results. “Yes, of course (still legal),” he said.

Earlier, an open plenary meeting revealed that witnesses of the presidential candidate duo and No. 1 vice presidential candidate Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar did not want to sign the South Sumatra (Sumsel) provincial-level Form D results and minutes.

South Sumatra KPU president Andika Pranata Jaya said witness Anies-Muhaimin was reluctant to sign because he considered Gibran Rakabuming Raka’s candidacy to be invalid.

Witnesses Anies-Muhaimin also reported their objections after the vote. However, Bawaslu rejected the report as it did not meet the requirements.

Read also: Indonesian KPU confirms Prabowo-Gibran’s vote as superior in South Sumatra

The same thing was also done by the witnesses of the couple of candidates number 3, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD. Andika said witness Ganjar-Mahfud objected because he thought the 2024 presidential election had damaged the democratic system built so far.

They opposed the entire electoral process, allegedly full of legal engineering, involvement of the authorities, abuse of social assistance, intimidation and even monetary politics (monetary policy) which makes elections undemocratic.

“Furthermore, we oppose holding elections that are unprofessional, irresponsible and commit collective violations,” he said.

Reporter: Narda Margaretha Sinambela
Publisher: Sri Muryono
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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