
The Ministry of Social Affairs is renovating Aisyah’s house, now she will no longer have to defecate in plastic

The well-being of the elderly is not just about healthcare. However, attention must also be paid to the realization of a dignified life

North Aceh (MidLand) – The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has renovated the house of Aisyah (80 years old), a grandmother from Pulo Rungkom village, Dewantara district, North Aceh regency, which means that she now does not have to no more defecating in plastic.

Aisyah admitted that she is grateful and grateful for the assistance provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Integrated Prosperous House (RST) program.

“The house used to be like this, but it was all cubicles. And because of the bathroom, right? NO “There is, so we use the plastic and then throw it into the forest or the river behind,” he said when we met him at his home in northern Aceh on Monday.

In her old age, Aisyah chose to live alone in her home. Even though she lives next to her son, she chooses to live alone because she doesn’t want to disturb him.

In this regard, Pulo Rungkom village head Adami said that the renovation of the 3.5 x 5 meter house was carried out from March 18, 2024 to May 26, 2024.

The renovation of the house, he said, cost IDR 20 million, according to the standard funds allocated for the RTD program.

“Thank God, we are very happy to receive a house for Ms. Aisyah from the Ministry of Social Affairs. We hope that help will come again for other residents whose conditions are similar to Ms. Aisyah’s,” she said.

Adami said there were four to five similar homes occupied by seniors that needed renovation. For this reason he intends to submit the house to the government, so that it too can be renovated.

Aisyah’s house is one of the 27 houses renovated in the RTD programme, as part of the commemoration of the National Day of the Elderly (HLUN) 2024 which falls on May 29, which is centered on North Aceh Regency.

Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini said separately that this assistance is one of the Ministry of Social Affairs’ efforts to improve the well-being of the elderly, including ensuring a dignified life in addition to their health.

Reporter: Sean Filo Muhammad
Publisher: Indra Gultom
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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