The Ministry of Education and Culture will monitor the final award rules, preventing campuses from turning into a diploma factory
TIME.CO, Jakarta – The latest regulation number 53 of 2023 of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) gives independence to University in determining several things, including shape thesis. In the next two years this regulation will go through a transitional period in its implementation.
Pl. Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology at the Ministry of Education and Culture Nizam said his party will continue to monitor the situation campus in order not to apply this last regulation in a distracted way. He said the oversight will be done externally through accreditation.
Apart from that, according to Nizam, the best oversight can be done by the community. “We think there is a community that watches over campuses so that they are not evil and careless, taking advantage of this independence to turn campuses into diploma factories without any process. This is what we must protect together,” he said on Friday, September 1, 2023.
Therefore, Nizam said that control over the implementation of this regulation is done through accreditation and supervision. He said the Ministry of Education and Culture will also oversee and monitor public reporting.
“We carry out supervision through the Inspectorate General, through the Institutional Management team, and we also monitor everything through the PDDikti reports of the learning activities that occur,” Nizam said.
In article 18-20 of the Permendikbudristek number 53 of 2023 it is stated that the final assignment can take the form of a thesis, term paper, dissertation, prototype, project or other similar form. This means that a thesis is no longer mandatory and students can complete a final assignment in another form to earn their degree. Meanwhile, final assignment writing for postgraduate and specialist programs can take the form of a thesis or dissertation, articles in accredited national journals, reputable international journals or books.
The editor’s choice: new rules for the Minister of Education and Culture on final assignments, the rector of Unpad adapts the academic regulations
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