
The Kediri city government is intensively cracking down on the spread of tuberculosis, involving TNI and Polri

In the city of Kediri there are currently 1,380 cases of drug-sensitive tuberculosis and 40 cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Kediri, East Java (MidLand) – The government of the city of Kediri, East Java, is intensively implementing tracking or contact tracing to detect cases of tuberculosis (TB) by examining people around tuberculosis patients in the hope of suppressing the spread of the disease.

Kediri city health service head Muhammad Fajri Mubasysyir said tuberculosis patients who go untreated can spread the disease to 10 to 15 people around them within a year.

“Activities to detect tuberculosis cases include carrying out contact investigations of 15-20 people suffering from tuberculosis in the neighbourhood. Involving health workers, health cadres and TNI-Polri,” he told Kediri on Thursday.

He said this strategic step was taken to achieve the goal of eliminating tuberculosis by 2030 and detect as many tuberculosis cases as possible.

According to him, this is to avoid transmission to people close to the patient and ensure that the disease can be treated completely until recovery.

According to data from the Health Service, in the city of Kediri there are currently 1,380 cases of drug-sensitive TB and 40 of drug-resistant TB.

Muhammad Fajri said that several programs of activities currently being implemented include increasing the number of passively and actively detected tuberculosis cases, as well as providing treatment through networks and collaboration with health facilities in Kediri city.

Read also: Government conducts health checks for residents to prevent spread of tuberculosis
Read also: Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture says it is important to protect the finances of people affected by tuberculosis

His party supports the central government’s efforts to launch the TB Policy Monitoring Dashboard by following the online event. This can certainly accelerate the achievement of the goal of eliminating tuberculosis by 2030.

Tuberculosis is still a crucial problem in Indonesia. According to data provided by Indonesia, Indonesia is the second country in the world for tuberculosis incidence Global report on tuberculosis.

This pushes central and regional governments to focus on achieving the goal of eliminating tuberculosis by 2030.

The Indonesian Foundation for Strategic Partnership Against Tuberculosis (STPI), as the organizer of the launch of this innovation, said that Indonesia is the only country that has the highest tuberculosis management policy with presidential regulation issue 67 of 2021 relating to tuberculosis control.

STPI Board of Directors Muhammad Hanif in this activity revealed his reasons for initiating the Tuberculosis Policy Monitoring Dashboard.

According to him, with the large number of policies enacted, there is a need for ease of access and accountability for existing policies, compatibility between one policy and another, and effectiveness of implementation of these policies.

Joint external monitoring mission on tuberculosis (JEMS) in 2022 recommends the creation real-time dashboard “to monitor progress in achieving the objectives of Presidential Regulation Number 67 of 2021,” he said.

Hanif also explained that the TB Policy Monitoring Dashboard is a system that can be accessed by all elements of society to view or monitor existing TB policies. update in a sustainable way

“Let’s hope so policy tracker “This TB can provide information and also an overview of the availability of anti-TB policies from the government at all levels and also encourage knowledge exchange, provide direct input into TB-related decision-making pathways and enable the healthcare community and society to provide further support to the government,” he said.

Pewarta: Asmaul Chusna
Publisher: Indra Gultom
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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