The haze is increasingly worrying, oxygen houses prepared by PMI Jambi
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Jambi Province of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) will prepare oxygen house as a preview for Jambi if he gets hit by a haze disaster. PMI did this for the good of humanity, especially for the residents of Jambi who were victims of the haze.
Forest and land fires or karhutla are still plaguing Jambi province and so far some areas have started to be engulfed in smoke. “If an oxygen house is needed later, PMI will provide the oxygen house,” Jambi Province Disaster Management Division Head Tedjo Sukmono said in Jambi on Thursday, September 7, 2023.
From the latest data released by BMKG to date, there have been 1,347 satellite-monitored hotspots in Jambi province with a moderate to high confidence level, but overall it falls into the medium confidence level category, i.e. around at 30-70%. . Jambi PMI Province is preparing an oxygen house in case of forest and land fires like in 2015.
The oxygen house is very useful if the air conditions worsen and it is difficult to find good portions of air to breathe. The oxygen house can be used by community and forest and land firefighting teams who have respiratory problems. The PMI will also alert medical personnel.
This oxygen house will be built when the air condition in Jambi is very bad. PMI cannot confirm where the house will be built.
“We saw the conditions on the field. It could be used Public health center or even the homes of existing residents. “The medical addresses we will bring will be air purifiers, then oxygen boxes, Oxyican and oxygen cylinders together with hoses,” Tedjo Sukmono said on the sidelines of the forest and forest management alert call in Jambi at which TNI head General Dudung Abdurachman attended Makorem 042/Gapu.
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