
The existence of alien hoaxes? This is the expert’s explanation: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – News of the existence of aliens has often appeared in various parts of the world. However, until now there was no evidence that aliens really exist, and now they are increasingly being considered mock i.e. false.

The idea proposed by researchers in a new article tries to answer this question. It was revealed that this is because aliens cannot start fires. Why.

As reported by Meter, Tuesday (8/22/2023), fire is an important step in the development of technology. Without fire there is no bright future, so it will not be possible to form a civilization.

You can see how humans do many things with fire. Since the Iron Age, fire has been used to melt metal. Then, over thousands of years, fire led to the invention of the internal combustion engine, a revolution in human history.

Fire is also used to cook human food. This also affects the expansion of brain capacity, thus enabling the extraordinary rapid human development.

Basically, without fire there is no bright future. But why can’t it be done on other planets?

Well, laboratory experiments have shown that atmospheres with oxygen levels below about 18% do not allow combustion.

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So even if alien life does exist, no matter how intelligent they are, they will probably never be able to develop technology advanced enough to discover humans, and vice versa.

“You might have enough oxygen in an exoplanet’s atmosphere to have complex multicellular life, but you might not have enough oxygen to start combustion,” Professor Amedeo Blabi said.

The University of Rome scientists, along with Professor Adam Frank of the University of Rochester, New York, said it’s possible that too much oxygen could make life just as difficult as not enough.

According to him, oxygen levels between 18.5% and 21% are ideal, but if the concentration exceeds 30%, the possibility of widespread fires destroying life will be very high because burning will be very easy.

While few telescopes observing exoplanets have the ability to detect current atmospheric oxygen levels, the James Webb Space Telescope has begun monitoring atmospheric oxygen levels on exoplanets by measuring changes in infrared light as O2 molecules collide.

“We’re just starting to look for the atmospheres of terrestrial planets. It’s an exciting thing – we’re at the frontier now,” Professor Frank said.

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