
The East Java KPU president presented the road map for election preparations to the Wantimpres

East Java’s KPU has been described as very strong and is considered a “battle body” in carrying out elections, so there are many lessons from East Java.

Surabaya (MidLand) – This was said by the president of the East Java General Election Commission (KPU), Choirul Anam roadmap or a roadmap for preparations for the 2024 general elections (Pemilu) in the local area to Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) member Soekarwo during a visit to the local KPU office in Surabaya, Tuesday.

“Regarding the budget, there are no problems for the 2024 elections. In fact, in preparation for the election of the governor and deputy governor, the East Java KPU signed a Regional Grant Agreement Text (NPHD) in November 2023 for an amount of IDR 845 billion,” said Anam, his nickname.

He said that East Java has the second largest voter figure nationwide, namely 31,402,838 people. During the process of updating voter data, the East Java KPU carried out mapping of disabled voter categories.

“This is intended so that the friends of the KPPS are better prepared to facilitate,” he said.

In addition to access for disabled people, the East Java KPU has also renovated the polling stations, which to date number 120,666. There are also 416 polling stations in special locations.

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Furthermore, regarding logistics, Anam said that logistics management in East Java has been quite good.

“There are examples of ballot papers from January 15th clear, only the interrupted fulfillment remains. “We also completed the folding sorting on January 20,” she said.

And the target is tomorrow 31st, all the logistics are in place packagedOf-placement in the ballot boxes for distribution in the subdistricts. Remembering, all the processes placement “It is located in the district/city,” the former Surabaya KPU member said.

To date, he continued, there are no reports of damaged warehouses in East Java. The goal is that starting February 8, all logistics will be moved to the subdistricts. Except Sumenep Regency needs special attention because it is an island.

What is no less important was also communicated by Anam regarding the KPPS. We currently have a total of 844,662 people. All of them were appointed on January 5 and were supervised by the district election committee.

“As a mitigation of events during the 2019 elections, all potential members of the KPPS must be healthy, have no congenital diseases, be registered with the social security for employment and have financial compensation in the event of an accident. In addition to this, the KPU also plans to consider considering the age of 55 years for KPPS,” Anam said.

During the process at the TPS, to reduce the workload, the KPPS must also include information technology. Apart from this, currently filling the form is also simplified, only one copy is needed and it will be scanned for use special paper.

Also Read: East Java KPU Determines Installation Location for Election 2024 APK

Meanwhile, community participation reached 83%. However, the East Java KPU also continues to make efforts to carry out massive voter awareness and education.

“We have created an election carnival characterized by various socialization activities, social media optimization and website. And thank God, KPU East Java also has a good relationship with the media,” she added.

Meanwhile, Wantimpres member Soekarwo explained that his party had the duty to provide second opinion to President Joko Widodo, especially regarding primary and secondary data, which are important in managing elections.

“The KPU in East Java has been described as very strong and is considered so battle corps “In carrying out the elections, there are many lessons from East Java,” said the former governor of East Java, familiarly called Pakde Karwo.

Previously, the Indonesian KPU announced that the participants in the 2024 elections were 18 national political parties, namely (according to the serial number) the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Gerindra Party, the PDI Perjuangan, the Golkar, the NasDem Party, the Labor Party and Festa Gelora Indonesia.

Subsequently, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the Archipelago Awakening Party (PKN), the Hanura Party, the Garuda Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Rising Star Party (PBB), the Democratic, the Indonesian Solidarity Party. (PSI), the Perindo Party, the Development Association (PPP) and the Ummat Party.

Besides that, six local political parties, namely Nanggroe Aceh Party, Atjeh Beusaboh Tha’at and Taqwa Generation Party, Darul Aceh Party, Aceh Party, also participated in the election of legislative members (pileg). , Aceh The Adil Prosperous Party and the Acehnese People’s Independent Solidity Party.

Legislative elections, including elections for RI DPD members, will be held at the same time as the 2024 presidential and vice-presidential elections, on February 14, 2024.

The Indonesian KPU also nominated the participants in the 2024 presidential and vice-presidential elections (Pilpres), namely the couple Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar number 1, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka number 2, and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md. serial number 3.

Reporter: Willi Irawan
Editor: Chandra Hamdani Noor
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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