The Dean of the Faculty of Geography at UGM receives a prestigious award from a French institution
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Lecturer and researcher at Gadjah Mada University UGM who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Danang Sri Hadmoko, was one of the recipients of the prestigious award of Les Academies Des Sciences Institut de France, Grand Prix Tremplin-ASEAN. He received this award for his collaboration with a research partner from Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University, Franck Lavigne.
This award was given to both as a form of appreciation for their research collaboration over the past 15 years. This collaboration has made a significant contribution to the field of disasters and volcanoes. The awards ceremony was held in Paris, France on Tuesday 17 October.
“The awards ceremony was attended by eminent French scientists, members of the council of the French Academy of Sciences, and the prize winners, most of whom were French. “Only a few people outside France have received this award,” Danang said on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, as reported on the UGM website.
The Institut de France itself is an institution under the President of France whose role is to provide input to the government regarding various policies. Founded in 1795, this institution aims to maintain scientific traditions and promote academic pillars and innovation in the fields of literature, science, technology and art.
The Tremplin Prize is awarded by the Institut de France to researchers who boast innovation and a long track record of high-impact research in various fields. The Tramplin-ASEAN Grand Prix, the award received by Danang, is an award given for bilateral cooperation between the French government and ASEAN countries.
The award ceremony was attended by Indonesian Deputy Ambassador to France, UGM Senate President Sulistiowati and Hermin Indah Wahyuni.
Danang explained that the scientific contribution of the collaboration he carried out was in the form of research relating to the impact of volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, both on a local and global scale, as well as the climate disruption they cause.
Through the research carried out, Danang is trying to recover historical data and documents and compare them with results relating to volcanic eruption deposits in various continents.
“Eruptions not only have an impact on a local but also a global scale. “Several data show that the impact of volcanic eruptions in Indonesia has been felt as far away as the European continent, as far as the Arctic and the Antarctic,” she explained.
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