
The acting regent provided clarification regarding the monk Thudong in Bengkal Mosque

Temanggung (MidLand) – Temanggung Acting Regent Hary Agung Prabowo and related parties released a statement regarding Bhiksu Thudong’s stop at Bengkal Mosque, Kranggan District, on his way to Borobudur Temple on Sunday (19/5 ).

Agung in Temanggung on Tuesday said this activity was held regularly every year by Bhiksu Thudong, starting from the Kaloran district border to the Magelang regency border.

In this stance, the Acting Regent was accompanied by related parties, including the Thudong 2024 Committee, Regional Assistant Secretary II, Head of the Social Welfare Section of the Regional Secretariat, Plt. Head of Kranggan Subdistrict, Police, Head of Ministry of Religion, FKUB, Head of Bengkal Village and Takmir of Bengkal Mosque.

For information, the location of this mosque is at the border of Jalan Raya Magelang – Temanggung, and its location is near the border of Secang District, Magelang Regency.

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“At the border of Kaloran, we received it together with Forkopimda, and ceremonial activities are also carried out there, after which they walk. Every five kilometers they stop to rest, because the condition of each monk varies. Some are old and some are still young” , he said.

The resting point for the group of monks was in the village of Bengkal. Previously, the committee, the village head and the mosque takmir had agreed that the group’s stopover would be concentrated in the mosque area. However, the group of monks only stopped in the mosque’s atrium, not inside the mosque, to rest for a moment.

“In this pause together, there is mutual communication between the Takmir Mosque and the monks to pray for the people of Bengkal village to become a prosperous and prosperous society, protected from disasters and so on,” he said.

So the activity that took place was simply prayer, because the Thudong Bhiksu group felt warmly welcomed by the takmir of the mosque and the community, and was also far from the ritual process of the Buddhists.

Similarly, the takmir of the mosque also prayed for the group of monks that their journey would always be smooth, safe and healthy.

“There were no religious rituals. After everything was over, they simply drank, then continued their journey to the Magelang regency,” he said.*

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Journalist: Heru Suyitno
Publisher: Erafzon Saptiyulda AS
Copyright © MidLand 2024

Quoted From Many Source

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