The acting governor ensures that North Sumatra provincial government officials maintain electoral peace
Medan (MidLand) – North Sumatra Acting Governor Hassanudin has ensured that all levels of agencies in his working area are ready to accommodate and maintain peace and public order ahead of the 2024 general elections (Pemilu).
“Through this demonstration, I saw the readiness of all my staff, Satpol PP, Linmas, firefighters and BPBD ready to secure elections, disasters, maintain peace and public order,” Hassanudin said, in Medan, on Friday .
He said this troop rally is a form of government presence in society to create a sense of security and comfort in the Democratic Party.
“I am optimistic and I think that the militants are ready to help the community and secure elections and regional elections at the same time so that the democratic party can function well,” he said.
He hopes that there will be a team on call including Satpol PP, Linmas, Fire Brigade and BPBD to maintain and increase inter-agency solidarity so that the public feels safe and comfortable in the 2024 elections.
“Satpol PP, Linmas, Fire Brigade and BPBD are the first watch in protecting the community and are obliged to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community,” he said.
Meanwhile, PP Satpol North Sumatra chief Mahfullah Pratama Daulay said the troop rollout was attended by 2,500 troops composed of PP Satpol, firefighters and BPBD from the provincial government of North Sumatra, as well as districts/cities that is expected to help secure the 2024 elections.
“From here we can see the availability of our personnel, both to support the success of elections, regional elections and also for other conditions such as natural disasters. We hope that all levels will become more robust, providing safety and comfort to the community,” He said.
In this demonstration, he said, the troops demonstrated their prepared capabilities, including putting out self-defense fires, securing snakes and displaying defense equipment, rescue equipment, security and more.
“Through this roll call of the troops we find out how great our strengths are so that we can create a sense of security and comfort in the community, we also know our strengths and weaknesses so that we can provide the best service to the community,” he said.
Reporter: Anggi Luthfi Panggabean
Publisher: Hisar Sitanggang
COPYRIGHT © MidLand 2023
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