The 14th Scientific Film Festival opens, Goethe-Institut: science can be fun
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Goethe Institute officially opened the Science Film Festival or SFF 2023 at the Office of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Festival films is a celebration of science communication in Southeast and South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
This time the theme is United Nations Agenda for the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration or the UN.
The official opening was marked by the sound of the gong by the speakers. In the period from October 21 to December 20, 2023, the SFF event will be held internationally in 22 countries. The Goethe Institut works with local partners to promote scientific literacy and facilitate awareness on a wide range of issues. Starting from scientific and technological issues, up to contemporary environmental issues, they are promoted through easily accessible and entertaining films.
At least more than 200 students from different educational units participated in the opening day agenda. The Goethe Institute presents two films that raise questions related to environmental ecosystems.
The first film is titled The village lighter, tells the story of Puni who brought change to Indonesian villages by building micro hydroelectric power plants. This animated film is inspired by the figure of Tri Mumpuni.
The second film is titled Checker Tobi: Waste control. This film shows how plastic packaging waste can be transformed into something new and useful.
SFF was first held in Thailand in 2005. In Indonesia itself, SFF was first held in 2010. This festival is based on the collaboration and active participation of science education institutions, universities, ministries, cultural centers and other partners.
Stefan Dreyer, regional director of the Goethe-Institut for South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, explains that through science films SFF offers ideas and encouragement. “We want to show that science can be fun. We want to say that science can help us find solutions,” he said at the opening of SFF 2023.
He hopes that the students who come will take positive actions for the global ecosystem. “I really hope so for all of you, because you are the future generation,” Stefan said.
Maintaining the ecosystem is the role of all of us
The expert staff of the Minister of Talent Management in the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Education, Research and Technology, Tatang Muttaqin, said that this festival allows students to better understand the importance of science . Beyond that, it reminds us of the important role of protecting the earth and its surrounding environment.
“I invite film activists, culture lovers and nature lovers to unite through SFF, so that we can realize a better future. Not only for cinema itself, not only for science, but also for the sustainability of humanity “Tatang said.
According to Tatang, this collaboration demonstrates that culture, environment and intercultural interactions are inseparable elements in the global ecosystem. “We participate, reflect and act to take care of the earth,” she said.
Editor’s Choice: Library of Things, Electronic Lending Library of the Goethe-Institut
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