Study says goalkeepers apparently have special skills compared to other players: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – A study says whether kiper process the world around them in different ways. For example, on a soccer team there are 11 players, but the goalkeeper is alone, wears a different uniform, plays by different rules, and is often positioned far away from his teammates.
Irish researchers looked at a group of 60 people, including professional soccer players with 20 goalkeepers and 20 field players, as well as 20 people who didn’t play soccer at all.
Reported by the site Scientific notice, Tuesday (17/10/2023) Michael Quinn, behavioral neuroscientist and former professional goalkeeper at Dublin City University, has revealed that goalkeepers are not like their football players. They are required to make thousands of rapid decisions based on limited sensory information.
“Unlike other soccer players, goalkeepers are required to make thousands of very rapid decisions based on limited or incomplete sensory information,” he said.
“This led us to predict that goalkeepers would be able to better combine information from different senses, and this hypothesis was confirmed by our results.” He continued.
The trials were conducted to test the extent to which research participants could process and integrate incoming information from their senses – technically, the binding time window.
In each test, one or two flashes (visual stimuli) were presented accompanied by one, two or no acoustic signals (auditory stimuli).
In tests with one flash and two beeps, most people thought they saw two flashes, indicating the effects of incorrect integration of visual and auditory stimuli. As the time between stimuli increases, errors occur less frequently, providing a way to determine the time limit of temporal binding.
Even more interesting, the goalies showed less interaction between visual and auditory stimuli, indicating that they were more likely to differentiate sensory signals. The next question is whether this superior multisensory processing is the reason why these people become goalkeepers or why they fill the goalie role.
“Could it be that the narrower window of commitment observed in goalkeepers results from the rigorous training routines that goalkeepers undertake from an early age?” says psychologist David McGovern, of Dublin City University.
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