
Student AI literacy is key to achieving quality improvement in the digital age

The Ministry of Education and Culture has formulated the Independent Curriculum which emphasizes the development of self-regulation in students. This curriculum should help them learn independently and adapt to unstructured situations

Jakarta (MidLand) – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemenkdikbudristek) said that students’ high literacy in using technology and artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to achieving a better quality and skills in the digital age.

“The Ministry of Education and Culture has formulated the Independent Curriculum which emphasizes the development of self-regulation in students. “This curriculum should help them learn independently and adapt to unstructured situations,” Anindito Aditomo, head of the Agency for Educational Standards, Curriculum and Evaluation of the Ministry of Education and Culture, said on Monday. in an online discussion in Jakarta.

Anindito said having a learning curriculum that supports the capacity of human resources starting from school in understanding technology and artificial intelligence, can help society face a future full of uncertainty.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Culture is trying to accommodate students by reintroducing IT subjects into the curriculum, starting from middle school. However, computer science learning in the Merdeka Curriculum does not just talk about how to use digital devices, but also focuses on developing students’ way of thinking.

Other programs offered to complement the skills of the nation’s future leaders include the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB), and Teaching Practitioner.

According to him, the MBKM program in universities aims to bridge the gap between the world of education and the world of work. The program allows students to study outside their curriculum, take part in internships and undertake independent studies.

Meanwhile, the MSIB program is credited with reducing graduates’ waiting time to get a job to about three months and earning nearly three times the salary.

Meanwhile, the Teaching Practitioner Program will provide students with another insight into market players regarding the skills needed to prepare them from an early age, as well as adopting the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) as one of the attainment targets.

“This is important to be able to measure the development of the quality of our human resources in the face of the demographic bonus. The Ministry of Education and Culture also aims to ensure that the human capital index continues to grow to achieve development goals long term,” he said.

Nailul Huda, director of digital economy at Celios, added that people are currently also accustomed to digital services such as online banking and the use of artificial intelligence in contact centers.

According to him, this shows that society is able to adapt and use technology wisely. However, data security and responsible use of the Internet must be part of the educational curriculum.

Because, based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), it proves it digital security sub-indicator Indonesia in 2018 was only 39%, compared to Malaysia which reached 90-92% and Singapore at 100%.

“Even though Indonesia has adequate infrastructure, there is still a digital divide, especially in rural areas. This is a challenge that needs to be overcome,” he said.

Therefore, he suggested that the government improve the quality of education by updating the educational curriculum so that it can meet the needs of the digital age, and that teachers should be trained to use and utilize technology in the teaching and learning process.

The government must also play an active role in providing adequate digital infrastructure, such as quality and affordable internet access, and in providing support to economic operators.

Read also: Ministry of Education and Culture: Artificial intelligence is a tool to help in the learning process

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Reporter: Hreeloita Dharma Shanti
Publisher: Biqwanto Situmorang
Copyright © MidLand 2024

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