
Siti Nurbaya clears forest in Sukapura area, starting with President Sukarno’s transmigration program

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Sukapura Village (Village) Communities, Sumber Jaya District, West Lampung (Lambar) Regency Received Decision Letter (SK) for Local Area Forest Release from Minister of Environment and Forest Nurbaya sites.

West Lampung Regent Nukman, expressed his gratitude to the Chairman of the IV DPR RI Commission, Sudin, who encouraged the central government through the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to try to solve the land problems in Sukapura Pekon (Village), Sumber Jaya District.

“I would like to thank the President of the IV DPR RI Commission for encouraging the central government through the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forests to solve the problems in Sukapura village, Sumber Jaya district,” Nukman said in a statement received in Liwa , Saturday, August 12, 2023.

He hopes that the central government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, can legalize the status of Sukapura land in accordance with the community’s request for legal certainty.

“It is hoped that the local government and people of Pekon Sukapura, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, can legalize the status of Sukapura land in accordance with the community’s request to obtain legal certainty” , he has declared.

Furthermore, he said, the Land Acquisition Decree was handed over directly by the Chief of Commission IV DPR RI, Sudin to the people of Sukapura, Sumber Jaya district, specifically in Suka Rata camp.

The event was also accompanied by socialization and technical orientation on Agrarian Reform Objective Land (TORA) in forest area of ​​West Lampung Regency which was carried out by the Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI, Sub-agency, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, on Saturday.

The Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia numbered: SK.814/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.2/7/2023 Concerning the release of the permanent production forest area of ​​Way Tenong Recognize register 44b and the area Bukit Rigus 45b register permanent production forestry in the context of Structuring Forest Areas (PPTPKH) Lampung Province Phase I for Land Sources for Land Reform Objects (TORA) in West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province covering a area of ​​about 22.51 hectares.

Nukman explained the brief history of the beginning of the formation of the Sukapura Pekon, which is currently trying to resolve the issue of land status in the local Pekon.

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The Era of President Sukarno’s BRN Transmigration

Based on the National Reconstruction Bureau (BRN) Decree Number: 1/DRN/1951 dated May 17, 1951 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia had transmigrated a group of people from the Tasikmalaya area of ​​West Java province who were ex-combatants 45 (45 veterans) composed of 98 householders (KK) and placed in Sumber Jaya District, West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province.

On November 14, 1952, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno inaugurated the BRN transmigration and in 1954 the transmigrants who were members of the BRN transmigration called the area Sukapura, which was just in Sukapura village, Sumber Jaya district.

Then in 1991, a Decree of the Minister of Forests Number: 67/KPTS-II/1991 was issued which declared that the transmigration area of ​​the BRN was included in the protected forest area of ​​the hill register 45b, which refers to the determination during the Dutch period Colonial period.

In addition, a measurement was made again in 1999 which caused a change in the area of ​​the forest area, which was established by a decree of the Minister of Forestry and Plantations that Sukapura village remained included in the protected forest area of the hilly register 45 b.

To overcome these problems, various efforts have been made by the West Lampung Regency Regional Government. Starting from the formation of an integrated team through a decree of the West Lampung Regent, by submitting a letter of request for a hearing to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, by submitting a letter to the DPR RI, DPD, President Republic of Indonesia to apply for the liquidation of Pekon Sukapura status.

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