
Security Factors, US Space Force Stops Using Artificial Intelligence: Okezone techno

WASHINGTON DC – The United States Space Force (US Space Force) stops using the technology Artificial intelligence (AI) or web-based artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. They also prohibit all their members from using this technology.

Its statement said the use of AI had to be stopped due to concerns about interference with data security.

“The ban includes the use of chatbots on all computers belonging to the US Space Force. The ban remains in effect until further approval by the fully responsible authority,” the statement reads.

Lisa Costa, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of the US Space Force, said that currently there can be no doubt that the presence of artificial intelligence is capable of improving quality and accelerating several fields of work. Includes work performed by all members of the US Space Force.

Currently his party, together with the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon, will soon form a special group to study the use of artificial intelligence. It is hoped that this group will be able to provide guidance on the use of artificial intelligence that does not present the risk of data leaks.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the US Space Force, Tanya Downsworth, confirmed the temporary ban on the use of artificial intelligence. According to him, this ban was implemented to achieve the best strategy for increasing the capabilities of the US Space Force in the future.

“This is a temporary measure to protect our service data and the Guardian,” he stressed.

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