Scientists find dinosaur tracks wider than a football field: Okezone techno
JAKARTA – A group of US scientists managed to find giant tracks belonging to dinosaurs in Alaska. The discovery has been called The Colosseum and has a size of about 7,500 square meters or slightly larger than a football field.
Quoted from Scientific noticeFriday (8/18/2023), actual tracks have actually been found since 2010. However, it was only recently that they were discovered to be tracks from a dinosaur thought to have lived around 70 million years ago.
The path is particularly interesting because it has an incredible depth, being as tall as a 20-storey building and has paths distributed over the various irons.
“It’s not just a rock level with traces on it. It’s a timeline,” said paleontologist Dustin Stewart, who led the study at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
The researchers said the tracks were a combination of footprints made in soft mud that was then hardened and covered over, and footprints that were preserved as they were then filled in with sediment.
University of Alaska Fairbanks paleontologist Pattrick Druckenmiller said the tracks were left by a beautiful dinosaur, which can be seen by the shape of its toes and the texture of its skin. But he wasn’t sure what species it was.
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