
RSHS Bandung medical team separates conjoined twins Hasan and Husein

TIME.CO, Jakarta – The medical team of the Central General Hospital, Dr. Hasan Sadikin or RSHS Bandung perform separation operations Siamese twins Monday, October 23, 2023. A pair of 13-month-old children named Hasan and Husein are from Subang Regency, West Java.

According to RSHS Bandung chief director Jimmy Panelewen, this was the twelfth conjoined twin separation operation involving a total of 27 children in the past ten years. “Operation Siamese twins has a fairly complex difficulty level,” he said in a written statement, Monday, Oct. 23, 2023.

According to him, with the cooperation of the conjoined twins team at RSHS Bandung, the operation could be performed. It is expected that the results will be optimal and that the patient will cope well with the growth and development process.

Jimmy said RSHS Bandung was enthusiastic and determined to show decisive steps as a leader in the field of conjoined twin separation operations in Southeast Asia. The hospital is committed to continuing to advance medical science and improving the quality of life for patients.

“We are always committed to providing world-class healthcare services and continue to challenge the boundaries of medicine with innovation and continuous improvement in quality of service,” he said.

According to the head of the conjoined twin management team at RSHS Bandung, Dikky Drajat, babies Hasan and Husein were attached at the chest and stomach or in medical terms it is called Twint Conjoint Thoraco-omphalopagus.


The internal body organ attacked is the liver or liver tissue. According to Dikky, children are usually also attached to the heart membrane. “The high level of difficulty is separating the liver tissue,” she said.

It is estimated that the operation to separate the two children will last from 6 to 12 hours. “This includes a very delicate reconstruction phase and the administration of anesthesia,” Dikky said.

The conjoined twins treatment team at RSHS Bandung involves various multidisciplinary medical specialists, such as anesthesia, pediatric surgery, thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, pediatric specialists, psychiatry, medical rehabilitation, radiology, nurses, pharmacy staff, nutritionists and others.

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