
Ridwan Kamil called Bandung Raya waste crisis impact of Sarimukti landfill fire

TIME.CO, Bandung – Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil he said Bandung Raya was in status waste emergency burnt effect TPA Sarimukti. Bandung City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency and Cimahi City have agreed to reduce the amount of waste sent to Sarimukti TPA.

“Today we have a meeting with four cities/regencies who are consumers of Sarimukti, they signed a pledge to reduce the transfer of waste to Sarimukti because it can’t be like before. So usually 450 rites, we will reduce them if we can get to half or more The engagement has been agreed,” Ridwan said in Bandung on Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.

Ridwan said the community was being asked to play a role in reducing their waste from the moment they were in the home. “It should be possible by educating people, reducing waste and treating it yourself. For example, if it’s food waste, dinner, lunch, it can be composted. Don’t throw all the used plastic away in front of your house,” he said.

Ridwan has not set a time limit for Bandung Raya’s state of waste emergency. “This emergency will still be ongoing until it is declared complete,” she said.

The waste state of emergency is established in West Java governor’s decree number 658/Kep.579-DLH/2023 on the establishment of the Bandung Raya waste state of emergency on August 24, 2023.

Separately, Plh. Bandung Mayor Ema Sumarna said a state of waste emergency for the city of Bandung was signed on Monday. He formed the Waste Emergency Task Force, which includes members of the police and TNI.


“We also coordinated with Forkopimda to declare that the city of Bandung is in a waste emergency and therefore from today we have formed a task force within it. I signed it and it involved all components, starting from the police, military, etc. .come on,” Ema said.

According to the EMA, there are currently around 8,000 tons of waste that cannot be transported. “If we have 241 reps, yesterday Bandung only had 100. If there is no alternative, obviously it will be overwhelmed. The count is 1,300 every day, now that’s 8,000 tons of waste we can’t deliver to the TPA,” he said.

Seeing the current situation at the Sarimukti landfill, Ema said the city government was now exploring cooperation with the Indonesian Army Cavalry Weapons Center (Pussenkav) to use the land at the Cavalry Education Center area (Pusdikkav) in Padalarang, West Bandung Regency.

It is estimated that about 3 hectares of land in Pussenkav can accommodate the waste of the city of Bandung. Ema admitted that she had prepared a Contingency Expenses Budget (BTT) for the land use. “If allowed, we will use it,” Ema said.

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