
Residents watch celestial objects glide Thursday night, astronomers suspect a meteor

TIME.CO, Bandung – A number of residents in several locations witnessed a suspicious object meteor launched from the sky, Thursday evening, September 14, 2023. Recordings are also circulating video amateur. β€œI saw him around 11pm,” Bandung resident Ferdhy Budiman said on Friday, September 15, 2023.

At that time he was driving a car from Bandung to Garut. He saw this celestial object when he passed through Dangdeur area, Bandung. “The object passed from south to north,” she said. From behind the car window, the object extends from right to left.

The object he thought was a meteor passed quickly for about 4-5 seconds. He remembered seeing such an incident around 2002-2003 in Makasar and he considered this phenomenon normal. “I don’t know where it fell, but it looks like it was burning in space,” he said.

Apart from this, reports and amateur videos of celestial objects like those seen by Ferdhy in various areas such as Garut and Yogyakarta are circulating on social media. A surveillance camera recorded a celestial object shooting around Mount Merapi at around 11pm.


Astronomer of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN), Thomas Djamaluddin, said he had received a similar report. β€œIt can be concluded that it was a bright meteor,” he said on Friday, September 15, 2023. According to him, if there were no reports of a fall to the earth, it is very likely that the celestial body fell into the Indonesian Ocean.

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