Preparing for CPNS 2023 exam, here is the definition of TWK, TIU and TKP and the material
TIME.CO, Jakarta – The government through the Ministry for State Apparatus Strengthening and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) has set a threshold value (positive vote) Basic Skills Selection (SKD) for Civil Servant Candidates or CPNS2023. This policy is contained in the PAN-RB Ministerial Decree Number 651 of 2023.
In the KepmenPAN-RB it is written that the SKD material of the CPNS 2023 consists of a national intuition test (TWK), a general intelligence test (TIU) and a personal characteristics test (TKP). These three materials are made for 100 minutes, with the exception of people with visual sensory disabilities who have the opportunity to work for 130 minutes.
So, what are TWK, TIU and TKP?
TWK question material
TWK is required to evaluate participants’ mastery of knowledge and ability to implement the following:
– Nationalism, to be able to realize national interests through the same goals and ideals while maintaining national identity
– Integrity, to be able to uphold honesty, commitment, tenacity and coherence as a unitary attitude to achieve national objectives
– Defend the country, with the aim of playing an active role in maintaining the existence of the state and the nation
– State pillars that aim to form a positive character towards understanding and practicing the principles of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
– State language, with the aim of being able to use Indonesian as a unified language that occupies an important position in social, national and state life.
TIU application materials
TIU SKD CPNS is required to evaluate the mastery of knowledge and the ability to apply several points, including:
A. Verbal skills consisting of:
– Analogy, to measure participants’ reasoning ability through comparing two word concepts that have a certain relationship, then use the concept of that relationship in other conditions
– Syllogism, to measure the participants’ ability to draw conclusions from the two statements presented
– Analytical, aiming to measure participants’ ability to analyze the information presented and draw conclusions.
B. Numerical skills, namely:
– Calculations that aim to measure simple arithmetic skills
– Series of numbers, with the aim of measuring participants’ ability to see patterns of relationships between numbers
– Quantitative comparison, to evaluate the participants’ ability to draw conclusions based on two quantitative data
– Story questions, to measure participants’ ability to quantitatively analyze the information presented.
C. Figural skills include:
– Analogy, with the aim of evaluating the reasoning ability of the participants in the CPNS selection through the comparison of two images that have a certain relationship, and then using the concept of this relationship in other situations
– Dissimilarity, with the aim of measuring the applicant’s ability to see the differences between multiple images
– Serial, to measure the applicant’s ability to see relational models in the form of images.
Crime scene question material
TKP at SKD CPNS is required to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and the ability to implement:
– Public service, to be able to show friendly behavior in working effectively, the purpose is to be able to meet the needs and satisfaction of other people in accordance with the authority and tasks performed
– Networking, with the aim of building and promoting effective relationships, cooperation, information sharing and collaboration with other people
– Socio-cultural, which aims to assess the ability to adapt and work effectively in a pluralistic society, including diversity of ethnicity, religion and so on
– Information and communication technologies, with the aim of knowing how to effectively use information technologies to improve performance
– Professionalism, to be able to carry out functions and tasks according to the department’s requests
– Anti-radicalism, which aims to collect information from CPNS selection participants regarding knowledge of anti-radicalism, behavioral tendencies and actions when responding to stimuli with different alternative situations.
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