Perigee, the Moon’s closest distance to Earth, BMKG: Watch out for Rob Floods
TIME.CO, Jakarta – The Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics or BMKG urges coastal communities to be aware of coastal flooding (rob) along with the phenomenon of the full moon phase along with the perigee or minimum distance of the moon from the earth.
The head of the Maritime Meteorology Center, Eko Prasetyo in Jakarta, Thursday, October 26, 2023, said that the full moon phase phenomenon has the potential to increase the maximum tidal height of the sea.
“The public is advised to always be alert and vigilant to anticipate the impact of maximum seawater tides,” he said.
He explained that based on monitoring water level data and tidal predictions, flooding may occur in several coastal areas of Indonesia, including the North Sumatra coast, the West Sumatra coast, the Lampung, Banten Coast, Central Java Coast, East Java Coast, NTT Coast and Maluku Coast.
He said the potential for tidal flooding differs at different times of day and time in each region, which generally impacts community activities around ports and coasts.
“Such as loading and unloading activities in ports, activities in coastal settlements, as well as activities in salt ponds and inland fishing,” he said.
He explained in detail that tidal flooding may occur on the coast of Padang City on October 28-31, 2023, on the coast of Padang Pariaman, on the coast of Pariaman Beach, on the coast of Padang, on the coast of Painan (27-30 October), the coast of Kec. Medan Belawan, Medan Marelan, Medan Labuhan (October 27-November 2), the Bandar Lampung coast (October 29-November 2), the western and southern coast of Banten (October 28-31).
Then, the coast of the city Semarang, Regency. Demak, Kab. Pekalongan, Brebes Regency, Tegal City, Tegal Regency, Pemalang Regency (October 25-27), Surabaya Port Coast (October 29-31), Surabaya West Coast (October 25-29), Sabu-Raijua Coast (October 29 October-November 1 ), and the coast of Ambon Bay, Saumlaki, Kep. Kai, Kep. Dobo, Eastern Seram Regency (27-29 October).
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