Partial lunar eclipse occurs on October 29, Indonesia becomes partial? : Okezone techno
JAKARTA – On October 29, 2023, the world will witness an extraordinary natural phenomenon, viz Lunar eclipse Part. According to BMKG’s press release on Tuesday (17.10.2023), it was stated that there will be a partial lunar eclipse in several regions of Indonesia at the end of October 2023.
This partial lunar eclipse phenomenon will last 4 hours 28 minutes and 10 seconds, starting from the initial phase until the end. BMKG explains that a lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun’s light is blocked by the Earth so that not all of the light reaches the Moon. This is caused by the dynamic movement of the positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
Partial lunar eclipses occur only during the full moon phase and can be predicted in advance, when the Moon-Sun-Earth positions are aligned.
The following is the calendar of the lunar eclipse in Indonesia on October 29:
– Start of eclipse: 01:00 WIT, 02:00 WIT, 03:00 WIT
– Start of partial eclipse: 02:34 WIT, 03:34 WITA, 04:34 WIT
– Peak of eclipse: 03:14 WIT, 04:14 WITA, 05:14 WIT
– Partial eclipse ends: 03:53 WIT, 04:53 WITA, 05:53 WIT
– Eclipse ends: 05:28 WIT, 06:28 WITA, 07:28 WIT.
However, only a few areas of Indonesia can fully observe this natural phenomenon. Such as West Papua and parts of the Moluccas. Both areas will be able to see this lunar eclipse from the beginning until the eclipse phase continues until the moon sets. (Dinda Nabilah Khumairoh Aljiyad)
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