PANDI will partner with Asia Pacific domain managers to advance the world of the Internet
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager (IT HAS BEEN PUT) expressed its commitment to supporting governance Internet who are good and ready to cooperate to advance the Internet in the world, especially in Indonesia, when they participate in the meeting of the 84 members of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD) to be held in Seoul, South Korea, from 18 to 21 September 2023.
“At the meeting of the 84 members of the APTLD, PANDI together with other country code top-level domain (ccTLD) operators agreed on several points of common commitment, one of which is the recognition that Internet governance must be inclusive, participatory, based on human rights and must utilize the participation of all stakeholders and the interests of the entire region,” said PANDI President John Sihar Simanjuntak, who attended the meeting, in his statement, Tuesday 19 September 2023 .
John added that during the meeting, PANDI together with other regional Internet industry organizations committed to maintaining and supporting a strong and reliable DNS as the core of the global Internet infrastructure.
“At this meeting PANDI is also committed to collaborating in the development of robust cybersecurity and information protection operational policies and protocols in accordance with global best practices. “In addition to this, PANDI is also committed to collaborating with the regional Internet industry to improve Internet and DNS technology and contribute to the process of digital transformation in society and the economic sector,” added John.
The APTLD 84 Member Assembly is an annual activity organized by APTLD and invites operators of country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) to Asia Pacific. According to John, in this activity, PANDI is also actively promoting and promoting environmentally friendly Internet operations.
“In this activity, PANDI actively promotes the link shortener and microsite platforms so that they can be used by Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region. “In addition to this, PANDI is also actively campaigning for green Internet use and environmentally friendly and is actively involved in many discussion sessions held at the APTLD 84 Member Assembly,” said John.
With this synergy with ccTLD managers in Asia Pacific, it is hoped that the .id domain can progress further by implementing best-practice governance and operations in the world. In addition to this, it is also hoped that the .id domain will become increasingly present at a national and international level.
“In 2023 PANDI aims to grow the .id domain. “To achieve this, PANDI will continue to innovate and collaborate with various parties to strengthen Domain .id services so that Domain .id can hopefully become a host in your country,” concluded John.
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