
Padang city issues a circular predicting the impact of the haze

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Government Padang City issued a circular anticipating the impact of the haze disaster as soon as possible. Smog has enveloped Padang city since September 2023.

Based on Tempo’s monitoring on Thursday, September 5, 2023, the air quality index for Padang city is in a moderate position. The details are PM2.5 at 72 and PM10 at 36.

Circular number: 441.7/4769/DKK/2023 contains five points. The first point invites citizens not to burn anything that causes pollution. The next point recommends that vulnerable groups reduce outdoor activities.

Furthermore, the Padang city government asked the public to use it mask Standard surgery N95/KN95/KF 94. This is to reduce the impact of acute respiratory infections (ARI).

The fourth point of the circular recommends drinking more water. Finally, the Padang city government asked citizens to immediately go to a health service center if they experience respiratory problems.

In addition to issuing circulars, the Padang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) also distributed masks at several places. This is because the air index in Padang city is decreasing every day.


“The air index of Padang city is becoming more extreme every day,” Padang BPBD secretary Robert Chandra Eka Putra told the media crew on Thursday.

He said the mask distribution activity was also an early step by BPBD Padang so that the impact of the haze would not be too great. “For this reason, we are acting to anticipate the impact. We don’t want the disease, if it happens new disasters will emerge,” she said.

Eka asked that the circular on the prevention of smoke haze be respected together so that new disasters do not happen again. “Yes, let’s implement the circular,” she said. “Don’t increase smog, reduce outdoor activities, wear a mask, that’s the bottom line.”

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