
NU Asked to Develop Digital Da’wah, Bekasi Regent: Young Generation Can Be Example of True Islamic Content

TIME.CO, Jakarta – The government of Bekasi (Pemkab) Regency, West Java, has asked the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama o NOT develop digital da’wah methods as an effort to build community characteristics from a young age.

Regent Bekasi Dani Ramdan said that the development of digital-based da’wah aims to prevent the younger generation from losing their identity, while at the same time being able to properly implement Islamic religious principles.

“I encourage NU to develop digital da’wah so that our younger generation can shape content according to Islamic religious principles,” he said in Cikarang on Sunday, Aug. 20, 2023.

He explained that the development of the digital da’wah was in line with the theme of the 2023 Bekasi Regency UNCP Branch II working meeting, “Building Bekasi Community Characteristics Toward Courageous and Presence Leadership.”

“NU is geared towards da’wah, through da’wah hopefully it can educate people to go about their daily lives,” he said.

The local government (pemda), he said, is also trying to produce technologically literate youth and clerics through education for ulema cadres in cooperation with the local Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

During the educational period, he continued, dozens of young preachers and religious have been equipped with the skills of preaching through digital platforms and how to prepare da’wah material that is interesting, easy to understand and implement without forgetting Islamic da’wah theories.

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Prevent incitement and provocation


According to him, the dissemination of information thanks to technology cannot yet be optimized as the first guard in fortifying people from incitement, provocation and deception. The presence of preachers and scholars who understand the use of technology is believed to be able to overcome this problem.

Dani also called on NU to continue its school building program with adequate facilities and infrastructure so that it is able to create a new golden generation in private and public schools and Islamic boarding schools.

“Establishing a school, which is a key thing for a better education, it doesn’t have to be all UN schools, but the most important thing is that learning is taught according to the teachings,” he said.

Tanfidziyah PCNU Bekasi Regency Chairman Atok Romli said that Islamic boarding schools built by NU should give birth to millennial students who are able to innovate programs, to achieve results in Bekasi Regency.

“We also hope for the encouragement of the interim Regent Bekasi This gives students the spirit to make program innovations and achieve various results in the future,” he said.

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