National Youth Consolidation to Restore Indonesia, WALHI: Key to a Sustainable Future
TIME.CO, Jakarta – On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Youth Engagement, one hundred enthusiastic young people from various parts of Indonesia gathered at the Education Center WALHI, Caringin, Bogor from Friday 27 October 2023 to Sunday 29 October 2023 tomorrow. They came together to explore the fighting spirit of their predecessors who started the Youth Pledge, looking at the great challenges facing the nation today.
The promoter of the activity, Hadi Jatmiko, said that today’s young people, with the same enthusiasm, are determined to consolidate their strengths and face the climate and ecological crisis together. This activity is titled “National Youth Consolidation to Restore Indonesia” or KOMPI.
“This consolidation aims to facilitate young people to formulate a formulation about their wishes for the future of Indonesia. “At least formulate the goals for 2045, which have been used by the government,” Hadi said.
He said that in 2022 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a very serious warning on the climate crisis. This warning is not without foundation: extreme weather and climate events have severely impacted life on earth.
With geographic features vulnerable to disasters, Indonesia faces serious challenges ranging from the threat of sinking small islands, to food insecurity, to dwindling water resources. The groups most affected are indigenous populations, farmers, fishermen and low-income families.
It’s no wonder, he said, that the condition has sparked global anxiety, especially among younger generations. This is the dominant view expressed in today’s consolidation. Young people feel betrayed by the government’s slow response to the problem.
According to Hadi, for younger generations, human civilization is on the verge of collapse and the future looks scary. Ironically, instead of focusing on overcoming this problem, the Indonesian government has made the situation worse by enacting several policies, such as the Job Creation Law that legalizes large-scale exploitation of natural resources. “The legalization of environmental destruction has been followed by several actions that have undermined this nation’s democratic system,” she said.
Zenzi Suhadi, executive director of WALHI, said that in response to the situation, this consolidation is a way to reflect on the fate of intergenerational justice. Young people between the ages of 16 and 30 are those who have grown up in an era of ecological disaster. Ecological disasters continue to occur as a result of natural resource management policies that destroy the environment and people’s sources of livelihood.
“If this nation wants to formulate justice and prosperity, there are two sources: the oppressed people and the youth. “We are trying to shape Indonesia in 2045, we cannot expect justice, independence and truth to come from other parties, we must grasp them and shape them “, he has declared.
He further stated that there are children and adolescents who face serious problems regarding their future, threatened by ecological disasters and the climate crisis. On the contrary, the government’s behavior does not demonstrate any seriousness regarding this issue. This, she said, can be seen from all the legislative provisions enacted by the Indonesian government that are believed to push the people, including the younger generations, into the abyss of a multidimensional crisis.
Zenzi said that, amid a steadily worsening situation, the government’s efforts to overcome the environmental and humanitarian crisis have not always been in line with the voice of public opinion. The government always pretends to be in the interest of national economic growth without considering the environmental and social costs incurred.
“Therefore, in the impetus of commemorating Youth Commitment Day, WALHI provides full support to young people to unite and consolidate to forge a commitment to build the future order that young Indonesians dream of,” he said.
According to Zenzi, this consolidation is not just about environmental issues, but also about bridging the generation gap and opening doors young generation actively play a role in formulating Indonesia’s future. “Youth voices are critical to shaping a more sustainable future,” she said.
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