National police use body-worn cameras to monitor security at the 2023 Bali AIS Forum summit
TIME.CO, Jakarta – National police using various technologies installed in the 91 Command Center at ITDC Nusa Dua, Balito ensure the summit of the archipelago and island states or AIS Forum Summit 2023 in Bali on 10-11 October 2023.
Bali Police ICT chief Pol Commissioner Abariyadi Wijaya said one of the technologies used by the national police is body-worn cameras. This tool is installed on personnel on duty in the field.
“This body worn is installed on our personnel working in the area in uniform to be able to monitor the situation on the ground and there are no CCTV cameras in that location,” Abariyadi said at the 91 Command Center, Bali, Monday, September 9. 2023.
1,357 CCTV cameras are monitored in the command center. However, not all areas can be covered by CCTV. For this reason, 100 body-worn cameras are needed to cover areas where there are no CCTV cameras.
In addition to being a camera to monitor the situation in the field, this body worn functions as a tool to send SOS or emergency conditions from guard members. “It works like an SOS. So when a member has a situation of concern he can press the button and report to the command post the situation that has occurred. This also has a handy talky,” she said.
Furthermore, he said that the available internet network is good enough to support this technology. During this year, Bali has been home to numerous international events.
“We received attention from the head of the ICT division. In fact, in Bali, about 150 international security events occur. So the head of the ICT division instructed us to estimate what is needed to continue updating it. For example, body suit worn, it used to be worn only on the body. Now we are providing it with additional applications and headphones to make the members’ work easier,” he said.
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