National Police assigns 44 members as Hajj 2024 officers
Jakarta (MidLand) – The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia has assigned 44 of its members as Hajj Service Officers (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia during the Hajj 1445 Hijriah/2024 AD
The head of the Public Information Office of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Police Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in Jakarta, on Tuesday, said that of the 44 members of the National Police, seven of them were female police officers (Polwan) .
“Sending Polri members like PPIH is a concrete form of protection by Polri of Indonesian citizens who are performing the Hajj pilgrimage to the Holy Land,” Trunoyudo said.
Details of the 44 National Police personnel serving as PPIH 2024 consist of eight middle officers, 25 first officers, 10 non-commissioned officers and one civil servant who is a healthcare worker.
Specific to the members of the police women serving as PPIH 2024, Trunoyudo said they are tasked with meeting the needs of Hajj pilgrims, including returning lost pilgrims to hotels or accommodations, as an information center for pilgrims seeking entrances, toilets, ablution places and prayer areas, shopping places, eating places, ATMs and currency exchange places.
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Apart from that, police women are tasked with accompanying pilgrims to Raudhah, searching for lost wheelchairs, providing health services, organizing and securing the entrance area of Raudhah, so that there are no intruders, taking preventive measures during the hot season and help sick pilgrims return to Raudhah. their accommodation.
“Pole women also work together with the health team to help worshipers who have fainted, provide healthcare services to worshipers with blisters on their feet, help elderly worshipers who are separated from the group when going to the mosque, help operate communication equipment and help the faithful who are being taken to safety by the soldiers,” he said.
A total of 44 National Police personnel joined the PPIH for a total of 4,421 personnel assigned by the government to serve Indonesian Hajj pilgrims. These members of the National Police serve under the control of the Ministry of Religion.
The number of potential Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in 2024 is about 241 thousand people, including 213,320 regular Hajj pilgrims and 27,680 special Hajj pilgrims.
Trunoyudo added that all members of the National Police serving as PPIH are tasked with serving Indonesian Hajj pilgrims so that they can perform the Hajj smoothly while in the Holy Land and return to their homeland in good health.
Read also: Thousands of officers deployed at the height of the Hajj
Read also: Ministry of Religion: Hajj officials must give of themselves to serve the congregation
Journalist: Laily Rahmawaty
Publisher: Didik Kusbiantoro
Copyright © MidLand 2024
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