NASA Scientists Call Elon Musk’s Plan to Move to Mars Dangerous, Why? : Okezone techno
JAKARTA – ELON Musk has big plans to place a human colony on Mars, his goal is quite ambitious, namely 1 million people by 2050.
After learning this information, a NASA scientist said that the plan amounted to a suicide mission and that Elon Musk would likely not survive before its arrival.
Experts explain that there is currently no adequate knowledge to maintain human safety during a trip to Mars.
They will certainly face radiation that could threaten their safety, even before they reach Mars.
This deadly attack is known as radiation poisoning, which can increase the risk of cancer, degenerative diseases and death.
Previously, this threat had also approached the astronauts of NASA’s Apollo program when they went to the Moon, but they managed to avoid it.
NASA astronaut Stan Love told the American Sun that Elon Musk’s plan to migrate to Mars is possible, but it won’t be foolproof.
“Do I think it’s possible? YES. I think it will be fun? NO. I think it would be terrible,” she explained.
When asked if he thought 2050 was realistic for the first human colony on Mars, “No,” he replied.
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