Nahdlatul Ulama University in Surabaya hosts the Grand Finale of National Ambassador Santri, Chancellor: Jihad
TIME.CO, Jakarta – University Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya or Unusa East Java will host the final of National Santri Duta 2023 which carries the theme “Santri builds civilization and world peace”.
UNUSA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Achmad Jazidie M Eng in Surabaya, Friday, October 20, 2023, said the National Santri Ambassadors Initiative program was a positive step in preparing Santris to become future leaders.
“We are grateful for your trust and believe that this event will be a forum for young Islamic students to showcase their best potential and express their thoughts in advancing global civilization,” he said.
Jazidie reveals that jihad in today’s very complex era no longer refers to battle but rather to intellectual struggle.
There are four things that will pose challenges in santri jihad in the future, namely fighting for justice, improving education, striving for health and eradicating poverty.
“Being confident in the jihad of students of Islamic colleges in the future, Unusa as an educational institution has made efforts to contribute, one of which is by establishing research centers and research groups in each faculty. And the form of implementation is the establishment of the center of research from the Environmental Health Center for Islamic Colleges (CEHP),” he said.
He hopes that students, as champions of knowledge, will continue to be enthusiastic about carrying out intellectual jihad in developing knowledge and following the transformation of digital technology.
Unusa shows its commitment to continue to support initiatives that fulfill the role of the santri in dedicating their service and carrying forward the missions carried out by Nahdlatul Ulama always providing benefits to the religion, the nation and the state.
President of the National Santri Ambassadors, Syifa’ Nurda Mu’affa, said this competition was an effort to grow the talents of santris in various fields, while having a positive impact on the progress of the nation.
“We organize this competition every two years as a form of commitment to the development of the country and to encourage students to become agents of positive change. We believe that students have a very important role in creating peace in the world,” he said.
Apart from this, what is interesting about the Santri National Ambassadors 2023 is that they appreciate young designers in presenting their fashion designs which will be worn by the 48 finalists who are currently competing.
On that occasion, two Islamic boarding schools from East Java managed to win the Santri Ambassadors 2023, Al Jihad Islamic Boarding School Surabaya and Luhur Malang Islamic Boarding School respectively.
Elected Santri male ambassador on behalf of Ahmad Nasikhul Huda from Al Jihad Islamic College, Surabaya. Meanwhile, Ambassador Santri was chosen on behalf of Norma Hasanatul from Luhur Islamic College Malang.
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