Ministry of Education and Culture Promotes New KIP Lesson Regulations for 2023, Reduced Recipient Quota
TIME.CO, Jakarta – Kalimantan Region XI Higher Education Services Institute (LLDIKTI) and Education Funding Services Center (Puslapdik), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) socialize the new related regulations to the Indonesia Smart College Card program or KIP lessons 2023.
“The target of this socialization is all private tertiary institutions in Kalimantan. It will be carried out online and offline,” LLDIKTI Region XI Head Dr. Muhammad Akbar said in Palangka Raya on Monday, August 28, 2023.
Akbar, the socialization of the KIP Lecture aims to convey various things as changes and additions to the outline of the KIP Lecture. In addition, he also informed that the number of recipients of government scholarship programs has been reduced compared to last year.
“What is being reduced is the share of beneficiaries, not the total value of the assistance. This socialization also serves to refresh the universities of the Kalimantan region regarding the rules of the game for running KIP College,” he said.
Therefore, the government program that aims to help students with financial constraints to continue their studies at tertiary institutions is targeted and avoids maladministration practices.
The initiative, which was held in a hotel in Palangka Raya city in Central Kalimantan Province (Central Kalimantan), had 36 offline participants and 169 online participants.
The participants in the outreach were leaders and program management workers (KIPs). Lectures at private universities in all provinces of the Kalimantan region.
In addition to socializing the renewal of the KIP Lecture regulation, during the activity day, a technical guide was also carried out on the management of the KIP Lecture and on the socialization of the regulation for the opening of beneficiary accounts of the KIP Lecture 2023.
The budget ceiling of the KIP Lecture has increased
The head of the Education Funding Service Center (Puslapdik) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Abdul Kahar said, every year the government raises the value of the budget ceiling for the KIP conference programme.
In 2022, the government has allocated IDR 9.9 trillion for the program beneficiaries of 780,014 students. Then, in 2023, the government allocated IDR 11.7 trillion with a target quota of 893,005 students. Meanwhile, in 2024 the budget stands at IDR 13.1 trillion with a target number of recipients of 964,964 students.
“However, in its management, we emphasize that higher education institutions must ensure that the recipients of the program are students who are really eligible or who meet the criteria. This means that all data and requirements presented by students must be re-verified in detail in a way that the implementation of the KIP Lecture program is fully in line with the goal,” he said.
He added that among the problems still encountered in the management of the university KIP program are universities that fix the regular tuition fee with a different university KIP.
Then, it turned out that there was double funding between KIP tuition and regional government scholarships, BU, MBKM program, KL others. Beyond that, there are also living expense deductions in various forms or types of expenses that are only imposed on KIP beneficiaries, while regular ones are not.
“For this, through this awareness, we remind you again University and the program managers carry out the KIP classes according to the existing regulations,” said Abdul Kahar.
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